lsei {lsei}R Documentation

Least Squares and Quadratic Programming under Equality and Inequality Constraints


These functions can be used for solving least squares or quadratic programming problems under general equality and/or inequality constraints.


lsei(a, b, c=NULL, d=NULL, e=NULL, f=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
lsi(a, b, e=NULL, f=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)
ldp(e, f)
qp(q, p, c=NULL, d=NULL, e=NULL, f=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, tol=1e-15)



Design matrix.


Response vector.


Matrix of numeric coefficients on the left-hand sides of equality constraints. If it is NULL, c and d are ignored.


Vector of numeric values on the right-hand sides of equality constraints.


Matrix of numeric coefficients on the left-hand sides of inequality constraints. If it is NULL, e and f are ignored.


Vector of numeric values on the right-hand sides of inequality constraints.

lower, upper

Bounds on the solutions, as a way to specify such simple inequality constraints.


Matrix of numeric values for the quadratic term of a quadratic programming problem.


Vector of numeric values for the linear term of a quadratic programming problem.


Tolerance, for calculating pseudo-rank in qp.


The lsei function solves a least squares problem under both equality and inequality constraints. It is an implementation of the LSEI algorithm described in Lawson and Hanson (1974, 1995).

The lsi function solves a least squares problem under inequality constraints. It is an implementation of the LSI algorithm described in Lawson and Hanson (1974, 1995).

The ldp function solves a least distance programming problem under inequality constraints. It is an R wrapper of the LDP function which is in Fortran, as described in Lawson and Hanson (1974, 1995).

The qp function solves a quadratic programming problem, by transforming the problem into a least squares one under the same equality and inequality constraints, which is then solved by function lsei.

The NNLS and LDP Fortran implementations used internally is downloaded from

Given matrices a, c and e, and vectors b, d and f, function lsei solves the least squares problem under both equality and inequality constraints:

minimize  axb,\mathrm{minimize\ \ } || a x - b ||,

subject to  cx=d,exf.\mathrm{subject\ to\ \ } c x = d, e x \ge f.

Function lsi solves the least squares problem under inequality constraints:

minimize  axb,\mathrm{minimize\ \ } || a x - b ||,

   subject to  exf.\mathrm{\ \ \ subject\ to\ \ } e x \ge f.

Function ldp solves the least distance programming problem under inequality constraints:

minimize  x,\mathrm{minimize\ \ } || x ||,

   subject to  exf.\mathrm{\ \ \ subject\ to\ \ } e x \ge f.

Function qp solves the quadratic programming problem:

minimize  12xTqx+pTx,\mathrm{minimize\ \ } \frac12 x^T q x + p^T x,

subject to  cx=d,exf.\mathrm{subject\ to\ \ } c x = d, e x \ge f.


A vector of the solution values


Yong Wang <>


Lawson and Hanson (1974, 1995). Solving least squares problems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.

See Also



beta = c(rnorm(2), 1)
beta[beta<0] = 0
beta = beta / sum(beta)
a = matrix(rnorm(18), ncol=3)
b = a %*% beta + rnorm(3,sd=.1)
c = t(rep(1, 3))
d = 1
e = diag(1,3)
f = rep(0,3)
lsei(a, b)                        # under no constraint
lsei(a, b, c, d)                  # under eq. constraints
lsei(a, b, e=e, f=f)              # under ineq. constraints
lsei(a, b, c, d, e, f)            # under eq. and ineq. constraints
lsei(a, b, rep(1,3), 1, lower=0)  # same solution
q = crossprod(a)
p = -drop(crossprod(b, a))
qp(q, p, rep(1,3), 1, lower=0)    # same solution

## Example from Lawson and Hanson (1974), p.140
a = cbind(c(.4302,.6246), c(.3516,.3384))
b = c(.6593, .9666)
c = c(.4087, .1593)
d = .1376
lsei(a, b, c, d)   # Solution: -1.177499  3.884770

## Example from Lawson and Hanson (1974), p.170
a = cbind(c(.25,.5,.5,.8),rep(1,4))
b = c(.5,.6,.7,1.2)
e = cbind(c(1,0,-1),c(0,1,-1))
f = c(0,0,-1)
lsi(a, b, e, f)      # Solution: 0.6213152 0.3786848

## Example from Lawson and Hanson (1974), p.171:
e = cbind(c(-.207,-.392,.599), c(2.558, -1.351, -1.206))
f = c(-1.3,-.084,.384)
ldp(e, f)            # Solution: 0.1268538 -0.2554018

[Package lsei version 1.3-0 Index]