Least-Squares Bilinear Clustering for Three-Way Data

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Documentation for package ‘lsbclust’ version 1.1

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lsbclust-package Least Squares Latent Class Matrix Factorization
akmeans K-Means Over One Way of An Three-Way Array
AssignCluster C++ Function for Weighted K-Means
bicomp Bilinear Decomposition of a Matrix
carray Double-Centre a Three-way Array
cfsim Compare Simulation Results
cfsim.akmeans Compare LSBCLUST Simulation Results
cfsim.lsbclust Compare LSBCLUST Simulation Results
cfsim.T3Clusf Compare LSBCLUST Simulation Results
ClustMeans C++ Function for Cluster Means
cl_class_ids.akmeans S3 export
cl_class_ids.int.lsbclust S3 export
cl_class_ids.lsbclust_sim_part S3 export
cl_class_ids.T3Clusf S3 export
cmat Centring Matrix
col.kmeans K-means on the Overall Mean, Row Margins or Column Margins
ComputeMeans C++ Function for Weighted K-Means
dcars Dutch Cars Data
fitted.akmeans Extract Fitted Values for akmeans
fitted.lsbclust Extract Fitted Values for LSBCLUST
fitted.T3Clusf Extract Fitted Values for T3Clusf
genproc Generalized Procrustes Rotation
indarr Create Array of Indicator Matrices
int.lsbclust Interaction Clustering in Least Squares Bilinear Clustering
is.cl_hard_partition.akmeans S3 export
is.cl_hard_partition.int.lsbclust S3 export
is.cl_hard_partition.lsbclust_sim_part S3 export
is.cl_hard_partition.T3Clusf S3 export
is.cl_partition.akmeans S3 export
is.cl_partition.int.lsbclust S3 export
is.cl_partition.lsbclust_sim_part S3 export
is.cl_partition.T3Clusf S3 export
KMeansW C++ Function for Weighted K-Means
LossMat C++ Function for Interaction Loss Function
lov List-of-values Data Set
lsbclust Least-squares Bilinear Clustering of Three-way Data
meanbiplot Biplots of
meanheatmap Plot Heatmap of A Matrix
orc.lsbclust K-means on the Overall Mean, Row Margins or Column Margins
ovl.kmeans K-means on the Overall Mean, Row Margins or Column Margins
plot.bicomp Plot a 'bicomp' Object
plot.col.kmeans Plot method for class 'col.kmeans'
plot.int.lsbclust Plot Method for Class 'int.lsbclust'
plot.lsbclust Plot method for class 'lsbclust'
plot.ovl.kmeans Plot method for class 'ovl.kmeans'
plot.row.kmeans Plot method for class 'row.kmeans'
plot.step.lsbclust Plot method for class 'step.lsbclust'
plot.T3Clusf Plot Method for Class 'T3Clusf'
print.lsbclust Print method for object of class 'lsbclust'
rlsbclust Simulate from LSBCLUST Model
rorth Generate A Random Orthonormal Matrix
row.kmeans K-means on the Overall Mean, Row Margins or Column Margins
simsv Randomly Generate Positive Singular Values
sim_lsbclust Simulate and Analyze LSBCLUST
step.lsbclust Model Search for lsbclust
summary.int.lsbclust Summary Method for Class "int.lsbclust"
summary.lsbclust Summary Method for Class "lsbclust"
supermarkets Dutch Supermarkets Data Set
T3Clusf T3Clusf: Tucker3 Fuzzy Cluster Analysis