lsasim-package |
lsasim: A package for simulating large scale assessment data |
.onAttach |
Prints welcome message on package load |
anova.lsasimcluster |
Generate an ANOVA table for LSASIM clusters |
attribute_cluster_labels |
Attribute Labels in Hierarchical Structure |
beta_gen |
Generate regression coefficients |
block_design |
Assignment of test items to blocks |
booklet_design |
Assignment of item blocks to test booklets |
booklet_sample |
Assignment of test booklets to test takers |
brr |
Generate replicates of a dataset using Balanced Repeated Replication |
calc_n_tilde |
Calculate ñ |
calc_replicate_weights |
Calculate replicate weights and summary statistics |
calc_se_rho |
Calculate Standard Error of Intraclass Correlation |
calc_var_between |
Calculate variance between classes |
calc_var_tot |
Calculate the total variance |
calc_var_within |
Calculate variance within classes |
check_condition |
Check if an error condition is satisfied |
check_ignored_parameters |
Checks if provided parameters are ignored |
check_n_N_class |
Check class of n or N |
check_valid_structure |
Check if List is Valid |
cluster_gen |
Generate cluster sample |
cluster_gen_separate |
Generate cluster samples with individual questionnaires |
cluster_gen_together |
Generate cluster samples with lowest-level questionnaires |
cluster_message |
Print messages about clusters |
convert_vector_to_list |
Convert Vector to Expanded List |
cor_gen |
Generation of random correlation matrix |
cov_gen |
Generation of covariance matrices |
cov_yfz_gen |
Generate latent regression covariance matrix |
cov_yxw_gen |
Setup full YXW covariance matrix |
cov_yxz_gen |
Generate analytical covariance matrix |
customize_summary |
Customize Summary |
draw_cluster_structure |
Draw Cluster Structure |
gen_cat_prop |
Generates cat_prop for questionnaire_gen |
gen_variable_n |
Randomly generate the quantity of background variables |
gen_X_W_cluster |
Generate n_X and n_W for clusters |
intraclass_cor |
Intraclass correlation |
irt_gen |
Simulate item responses from an item response model |
item_gen |
Generation of item parameters from uniform distributions |
jackknife |
Generate replicates of a dataset using Jackknife |
label_respondents |
Label respondents |
lambda_gen |
Randomly generate a matrix of factor loadings |
lsasim |
lsasim: A package for simulating large scale assessment data |
pisa2012_math_block |
PISA 2012 mathematics item - item block indicator matrix |
pisa2012_math_booklet |
PISA 2012 mathematics item block - test booklet indicator matrix |
pisa2012_math_item |
Item parameter estimates for 2012 PISA mathematics assessment |
pisa2012_q_cormat |
Correlation matrix from the PISA 2012 background questionnaire |
pisa2012_q_marginal |
Marginal proportions from the PISA 2012 background questionnaire |
pluralize |
Pluralize words |
print_anova |
Print the ANOVA table |
proportion_gen |
Generation of random cumulative proportions |
pt_bis_conversion |
Analytical point-biserial conversion |
questionnaire_gen |
Generation of ordinal and continuous variables |
questionnaire_gen_family |
Generation of ordinal and continuous variables |
questionnaire_gen_polychoric |
Generation of ordinal and continuous variables |
ranges |
Defines vector as range |
recalc_final_weights |
Recalculate final weights |
replicate_var |
Sampling variance of the mean for replications |
response_gen |
Generation of item response data using a rotated block design |
rzeropois |
Generate data from a Zero-truncated Poisson |
sample_from |
Sample from population structure |
sample_within_range |
Sample from range |
select |
Transform regular vector into selection vector |
split_cat_prop |
Split variables in cat_prop |
summary.lsasimcluster |
Summarizes clusters |
summary_2 |
Dataset summary statistics |
trim_sample |
Trim sample |
validate_questionnaire_gen |
Wrapper-functions for check_condition |
weight_responses |
Weight responses |
whitelist_message |
Whitelist message |