lrequire {lrequire}R Documentation

Sources an R module with optional caching for subsequent attempts, exporting specified values


lrequire looks in the current path, and then through a list of predefined paths to search for the given module to source into the current environment, but only making visible specific variables that are "exported" as a list, in a fashion similar to node.js. The caching behaviour can be either suspended or it can re-source files that have changed since the last time the module was cached.


lrequire(module, force.reload = FALSE, character.only = FALSE,
  warn.not.found = TRUE)



a string (or expression) that specifies a module to load, with or without an optional .R extension. If the module does not exist in the current directory, it searches for the module in directories listed in module.paths, first seaching all directories for the named module, then the module with a .R extension.

  • ./R_modules/

  • ./lib/

  • ../R_modules/

  • ../lib/

  • ~/.R_modules

All variables exposed in the module will be hidden in the calling environment, except for what is exposed through module.exports or the exports list variable.


a logical value, defaulted to FALSE, that can be set to TRUE to disable caching behavior for the module. If the module has already been loaded and cached, setting force.reload to TRUE will re-source the module. Setting it again to FALSE will re-source the module if the previous state was TRUE.


a logical value, defaulted to FALSE, that permits an unquoted name to be lrequire-d. Set this to TRUE when passing a variable to lrequire, requiring a quoted string.


a logical value, defaulted to TRUE, can be set to not display warning messages when module is not found.


lrequire operates in a similar principle to modules in node.js - keeping any variables created in the source module isolated from the calling environment, while exposing a select set of values/parameters. The specific values are exposed by setting a named list element in the exports variable to the desired value or by assigning module.exports a value.

Note this list exposed in module.exports should have named items so they can easily be accessed in the calling environment, however that is not necessary if only a single value is being returned.

If values are assigned to both module.exports and exports, only the values in module.exports will be exposed to the caller.

Caching a long-running operation, such as static data retrieval from a database is a good use of the caching capability of lrequire during development when the same module is sourced multiple times.

During development, files can be reloaded, even if being cached, if they have been modified after the time they were cached. To enable this behaviour, set the variable module.change_code to 1.

To quickly clear lrequire's package environment, unload the package. In RStudio, this can be done by unchecking lrequire on the Packages tab. You can also execute the following at the R prompt: detach("package:lrequire", unload=TRUE) The next call to library(lrequire) will ensure it starts off with a clean slate.


Any values that exist in module.exports or, if that does not exist, then the list exports.

If no module is found, NA is returned.


Rick Wargo,


hide.not.found.warnings()  # don't warn on files not found by lrequire()

# If the module name is in a character vector, use:
my.module <- 'myplot'
mm <- lrequire(my.module, character.only = TRUE) <- lrequire(hello_ex)
#'Rick')  # use the function that was returned by lrequire()

[Package lrequire version 0.1.3 Index]