lqr {lqr} | R Documentation |
Robust Linear Quantile Regression
It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously.
lqr(formula,data = NULL,subset = NULL,
p=0.5,dist = "normal",
precision = 10^-6,envelope=FALSE,
CI=0.95,silent = FALSE
#lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "normal")
#lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "t")
#lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "laplace")
#lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "slash")
#lqr(y~x, data, p = 0.5, dist = "cont")
#lqr(y~x, p = c(0.25,0.50,0.75), dist = "normal")
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by |
subset |
an optional string specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. Be aware of the use of double quotes in a proper way when necessary, e.g., in |
p |
An unique quantile or a set of quantiles related to the quantile regression. |
dist |
represents the distribution to be used for the error term. The values are |
nu |
It represents the degrees of freedom when |
gamma |
It represents a scale factor for the contaminated normal distribution. When is not provided, we use the MLE. |
precision |
The convergence maximum error permitted. By default is 10^-6. |
envelope |
if |
CI |
Confidence to be used for the Confidence Interval when a grid of quantiles is provided. Default = 0.95. |
silent |
if |
When a grid of quantiles is provided, a graphical summary with point estimates and Confidence Intervals for model parameters is shown.
iter |
number of iterations. |
criteria |
attained criteria value. |
beta |
fixed effects estimates. |
sigma |
scale parameter estimate for the error term. |
nu |
Estimate of |
gamma |
Estimate of |
SE |
Standard Error estimates. |
table |
Table containing the inference for the fixed effects parameters. |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
HQ |
Hannan-Quinn information criterion. |
fitted.values |
vector containing the fitted values. |
residuals |
vector containing the residuals. |
If a grid of quantiles is provided, the result will be a list of the same dimension where each element corresponds to each quantile as detailed above.
Christian E. Galarza <cgalarza88@gmail.com>, Luis Benites <lsanchez@ime.usp.br> and Victor H. Lachos <hlachos@ime.unicamp.br>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <cgalarza88@gmail.com>
Galarza, C., Lachos, V. H., Cabral, C. R. B., & Castro, C. L. (2017). Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions. Stat, 6(1), 113-130.
Wichitaksorn, N., Choy, S. T., & Gerlach, R. (2014). A generalized class of skew distributions and associated robust quantile regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42(4), 579-596.
See Also
#Example 1
##Load the data
## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default)
modelF = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==1)")
modelM = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,subset = "(Sex==0)")
xlab="Lean Body Mass",
ylab="Body4 Mass Index",
main="Quantile Regression")
abline(a = modelF$beta[1],b = modelF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3)
abline(a = modelM$beta[1],b = modelM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=1)
legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"),lwd = 2,col = c(1,3))
#COMPARING SOME MODELS for median regression
modelN = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "normal")
modelT = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "t")
modelL = lqr(BMI~LBM,dist = "laplace")
#Comparing AIC criteria
#This could be automatically done using best.lqr()
best.model = best.lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,
p = 0.75, #third quartile
criterion = "AIC")
#Let's use a grid of quantiles (no output)
modelfull = lqr(BMI~LBM,data = ais,
p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05),
dist = "normal",silent = TRUE)
#Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90
plot(LBM,BMI,xlab = "Lean Body Mass"
,ylab = "Body Mass Index", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16)
colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4)
imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9)
for(i in 1:5){
abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1],
b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2],
legend(x = "topleft",
legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")),
lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2))
#Example 2
##Load the data
data(crabs,package = "MASS")
## Fitting a median regression with Normal errors (by default) #Note the double quotes
crabsF = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='F')")
crabsM = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,subset = "(sex=='M')")
xlab="Frontal lobe size",ylab="Body depth",main="Quantile Regression")
abline(a = crabsF$beta[1],b = crabsF$beta[2],lwd=2,col=2)
abline(a = crabsM$beta[1],b = crabsM$beta[2],lwd=2,col=3)
legend(x = "topleft",legend = c("Male","Female"),
lwd = 2,col = c(3,2))
#Median regression for different distributions
modelN = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "normal")
modelT = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "t")
modelL = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "laplace")
modelS = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "slash")
modelC = lqr(BD~FL,dist = "cont" )
#Comparing AIC criterias
# best model based on BIC
best.lqr(BD~FL,criterion = "BIC")
#Let's use a grid of quantiles for the Student's t distribution
modelfull = lqr(BD~FL,data = crabs,
p = seq(from = 0.10,to = 0.90,by = 0.05),
dist = "t") # silent = FALSE
#Plotting quantiles 0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75 and 0.90
plot(FL,BD,xlab = "Frontal lobe size"
,ylab = "Body depth", main = "Quantile Regression",pch=16)
colvec = c(2,2,3,3,4)
imodel = c(1,17,4,14,9)
for(i in 1:5){
abline(a = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[1],
b = modelfull[[imodel[i]]]$beta[2],
legend(x = "topleft",
legend = rev(c("0.10","0.25","0.50","0.75","0.90")),
lwd = 2,col = c(2,3,4,3,2))