meanregbwSIMEX {lpme}R Documentation

Cross-Validation Bandwidth Selector Using SIMEX for Nonparametric Mean Regression


This function selects the bandwidth for both the DFC (Delaigle, Fan, and Carroll, 2009) and HZ (Huang and Zhou, 2017) estimators.


meanregbwSIMEX(Y, W, method="HZ", sig, error="laplace", k_fold=5, B=10,
               h1=NULL, h2=NULL, length.h=10, lconst=0.5, rconst=2, Wdiff=NULL)



an n by 1 response vector.


an n by 1 predictor vector.


the method to be used; method="HZ" uses the estimator proposed by Huang and Zhou (2017); method="DFC" uses the estimator proposed by Delaigle, Fan, and Carroll (2009). It currently does not support bandwidth selection for naive estimators.


standard deviation of the measurement error.


the distribution assumed for the measurement error; error="laplace" is for Laplace distribution; error="normal" is for Gaussian distribution. It currently does not support user-assumed distribution.


gives fold of cross-validation to be used; default is 2.


total number of cross-validation criteria to average over; defualt is 10.


bandwidth vector for the first level error contamination; default is NULL, and h1 is chosen automatically. See Huang and Zhou (2017) for details.


bandwidth vector for the second level error contamination; defualt is NULL, and h2 is chosen automatically. See Huang and Zhou (2017) for details.


number of grid points for each of h1 and h2; default is 10.

lconst, rconst

used to control the searching windows for bandwidths h1 and h2. For example, seq(bw1*lconst,bw1*rconst,length.out=length.h) is used to obtain bandwidth grid points for h1, where bw1 is an initial bandwidth; see Huang and Zhou (2017) for details of finding the initial bandwith.


an n by 1 vector of (W1-W2)/2, where W1, W2 are two replicated measurements; default is NULL, which indicates that the errors are generated from the assumed error distribution, otherwise, the errors are generated from Wdiff with replacement.


The results include the bandwidth bw.


Haiming Zhou and Xianzheng Huang


Huang, X. and Zhou, H. (2017). An alternative local polynomial estimator for the error-in-variables problem. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 29: 301-325.

Delaigle, A. and Hall, P. (2008). Using SIMEX for smoothing-parameter choice in errors-in-variables problems. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103: 280-287.

See Also



## X - True covariates
## W - Observed covariates
## Y - individual response
## generate laplace
rlap=function (use.n, location = 0, scale = 1) 
location <- rep(location, length.out = use.n)
scale <- rep(scale, length.out = use.n)
rrrr <- runif(use.n)
location-sign(rrrr-0.5)*scale*(log(2)+ifelse(rrrr<0.5, log(rrrr), log1p(-rrrr)))

## sample size:
n =100;
## Function gofx(x) to estimate
gofx  = function(x){ 2*x*exp(-10*x^4/81) }

## Generate data
sigma_e  = 0.2;
sigma_x = 1; X = rnorm(n, 0, sigma_x); 
## Sample Y
Y  = gofx(X) + rnorm(n, 0, sigma_e);
## reliability ratio
sigma_u  = sqrt(1/lambda-1)*sigma_x;
print( sigma_x^2/(sigma_x^2 + sigma_u^2) );
#### SIMEX
#**Note: larger values for B and length.h are needed for accurate estimates.
#**e.g., k_fold=5, B=10, length.h=10 will be generally good. 
hwNEW = meanregbwSIMEX(Y, W, method="HZ", sig=sigma_u, error="laplace", k_fold=2, 
                        B=1, length.h=1)$bw
ghat_NEW = meanreg(Y, W, hwNEW , method="HZ", sig=sigma_u, error="laplace");

## plots
x = ghat_NEW$xgrid;
plot(x, gofx(x), "l", main="Individual", lwd="2")
lines(ghat_NEW$xgrid, ghat_NEW$yhat, lty="dashed", col="2",lwd="3")

[Package lpme version 1.1.3 Index]