densityregbw {lpme}R Documentation

Bandwidth Selector for Conditional Density Estimation with Covariate Measurement Error


This function selects the bandwidth for the nonparametric estimators (Huang and Zhou, 2020) for the density of a response conditioning on an error-prone covariate. The corresponding methods in the absence of measurement error are also provided.


densityregbw(Y, W, h1=NULL, h2=NULL, sig = NULL,
             xinterval = quantile(W, probs=c(0.025, 0.975), names = FALSE),
             K1 = "Gauss", K2 = "Gauss", mean.estimate = NULL, spline.df = 5)



an n by 1 response vector.


an n by 1 predictor vector.


bandwidth vector for h1; default is NULL, and h1 is chosen automatically. See the reference below for details. It is recommended to carefully specify a fine grid for h1.


bandwidth vector for h2; default is NULL, and h2 is chosen automatically. See the reference below for details. It is recommended to carefully specify a fine grid for h2.


standard deviation of the measurement error; sig=NULL returns the naive estimators ignoring measurement error.


the interval within which the modes will be estimated.


kernel function for X; choices include "Gauss" and SecOrder.


kernel function for Y; choices include "Gauss" and SecOrder.


method to estimate the naive mean function of Y given X; choices include "spline" and "kernel". If NULL, the methods 1 and 3 in the reference below are considered.


the degrees of freedom for B-splines when mean.estimate="spline".


The results include the bandwidth bw, grid values for h1 and grid values for h2.


Haiming Zhou and Xianzheng Huang


Huang, X. and Zhou, H. (2020). Conditional density estimation with covariate measurement error. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14(1): 970-1023.

See Also



## X - True covariates
## W - Observed covariates
## Y - individual response
## generate laplace
rlap=function (use.n, location = 0, scale = 1) 
  location <- rep(location, length.out = use.n)
  scale <- rep(scale, length.out = use.n)
  rrrr <- runif(use.n)
  location - sign(rrrr - 0.5) * scale * (log(2) + ifelse(rrrr < 0.5, log(rrrr), log1p(-rrrr)))
## sample size:
n =100;
## Function f(y|x) to estimate#
mofx = function(x){ x }
sofx = function(x){ 0.5 } 
fy_x=function(y,x) dnorm(y, mofx(x), sofx(x));
## Generate data
sigma_x = 1; X = rnorm(n, 0, sigma_x); 
## Sample Y
Y = rep(0, n);
for(i in 1:n){
  Y[i] = mofx(X[i]) + rnorm(1, 0, sofx(X[i]));

## reliability ratio
sigma_u  = sqrt(1/lambda-1)*sigma_x;

##----- naive kernel density estimate  ---- 
fitbw = densityregbw(Y, W, K1 = "Gauss", K2 = "Gauss")
fhat1 = densityreg(Y, W, bw=fitbw$bw, K1 = "Gauss", K2 = "Gauss");

###----- naive kernel density estimate with mean adjustment  ---- 
#fitbw = densityregbw(Y, W, K1 = "Gauss", K2 = "Gauss", 
#                     mean.estimate = "kernel")
#fhat2 = densityreg(Y, W, bw=fitbw$bw, K1 = "Gauss", K2 = "Gauss", 
#                   mean.estimate = "kernel");

##----- proposed method without mean adjustment  ---- 
fitbw = densityregbw(Y, W, sig=sigma_u, K1="SecOrder", K2="Gauss")
fhat3 = densityreg(Y, W, bw=fitbw$bw, sig=sigma_u, K1="SecOrder", K2="Gauss");

##----- proposed method wit mean adjustment  ---- 
#fitbw = densityregbw(Y, W, sig=sigma_u, K1="SecOrder", K2="SecOrder", 
#                     mean.estimate = "kernel")
#fhat4 = densityreg(Y, W, bw=fitbw$bw, sig=sigma_u, K1="SecOrder", K2="SecOrder", 
#                   mean.estimate = "kernel");

plot(W,Y, col=2)
x0 = seq(0, 1, length.out = 3)
for(i in 1:length(x0)){
  plot(fhat1$ygrid, fy_x(fhat1$ygrid, x0[i]), "l", lwd="2", xlab = "y", ylab = "density",
       main = paste("Conditional density at x=", x0[i], sep=""), ylim=c(0,1.5));
  indx = which.min(abs(fhat1$xgrid-x0[i])) ## the index of xgrid that is closest to x0[i].
  lines(fhat1$ygrid, fhat1$fitxy[indx,], lwd=3, lty=2, col=1)
  #lines(fhat2$ygrid, fhat2$fitxy[indx,], lwd=3, lty=2, col=2)
  lines(fhat3$ygrid, fhat3$fitxy[indx,], lwd=3, lty=2, col=3)
  #lines(fhat4$ygrid, fhat4$fitxy[indx,], lwd=3, lty=2, col=4)

[Package lpme version 1.1.3 Index]