lpint {lpint} | R Documentation |
Martingale estimating equation local polynomial estimator of counting process intensity function and its derivatives
This local polynomial estimator is based on a biased martingale estimating equation.
lpint(jmptimes, jmpsizes = rep(1, length(jmptimes)),
Y = rep(1,length(jmptimes)), bw = NULL,
adjust = 1, Tau = max(1, jmptimes), p = nu + 1,
nu = 0, K = function(x) 3/4 * (1 - x^2) * (x <= 1 & x >= -1),
n = 101, bw.only=FALSE)
jmptimes |
a numeric vector giving the jump times of the counting process |
jmpsizes |
a numeric vector giving the jump sizes at each jump time. Need to be of the same length as jmptimes |
Y |
a numeric vector giving the value of the exposure process (or size of the risk set) at each jump times. Need to be of the same length as jmptimes |
bw |
a numeric constant specifying the bandwidth used in the estimator. If left unspecified the automatic bandwidth selector will be used to calculate one. |
adjust |
a positive constant giving the adjust factor to be multiplied to the default bandwith parameter or the supplied bandwith |
Tau |
a numric constant >0 giving the censoring time (when observation of the counting process is terminated) |
p |
the degree of the local polynomial used in constructing the estimator. Default to 1 plus the degree of the derivative to be estimated |
nu |
the degree of the derivative of the intensity function to be estimated. Default to 0 for estimation of the intensity itself. |
K |
the kernel function |
n |
the number of evenly spaced time points to evaluate the estimator at |
bw.only |
TRUE or FALSE according as if the rule of thumb bandwidth is the only required output or not |
either a list containing
x |
the vector of times at which the estimator is evaluated |
y |
the vector giving the values of the estimator at times given
in |
se |
the vector giving the standard errors of the estimates given
in |
bw |
the bandwidth actually used in defining the estimator equal
the automatically calculated or supplied multiplied by
or a numeric constant equal to the rule of thumb bandwidth estimate
Feng Chen <feng.chen@unsw.edu.au.>
Chen, F., Yip, P.S.F., & Lam, K.F. (2011) On the Local Polynomial Estimators of the Counting Process Intensity Function and its Derivatives. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 38(4): 631 - 649. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9469.2011.00733.x
See Also
##simulate a Poisson process on [0,1] with given intensity
int <- function(x)100*(1+0.5*cos(2*pi*x))
censor <- 1
N <- rpois(1,150*censor);
jtms <- runif(N,0,censor);
jtms <- jtms[as.logical(mapply(rbinom,n=1,size=1,prob=int(jtms)/150))];
##estimate the intensity
intest <- lpint(jtms,Tau=censor)
##plot and compare
## Example estimating the hazard function from right censored data:
## First simulate the (not directly observable) life times and censoring
## times:
lt <- rweibull(500,2.5,3); ct <- rlnorm(500,1,0.5)
## Now the censored times and censorship indicators delta (the
## observables):
ot <- pmin(lt,ct); dlt <- as.numeric(lt <= ct);
## Estimate the hazard rate based on the censored observations:
jtms <- sort(ot[dlt==1]);
Y <- sapply(jtms,function(x)sum(ot>=x));
haz.est <- lpint(jtms,Y=Y);
## plot the estimated hazard function:
## add the truth:
haz <- function(x)dweibull(x,2.5,3)/pweibull(x,2.5,3,lower.tail=FALSE)
curve(haz, add=TRUE,col=2)