l_make_glyphs {loon} | R Documentation |
Make arbitrary glyphs with R graphic devices
Loon's primitive glyph types are limited in terms of compound shapes. With this function you can create each point glyph as a png and re-import it as a tk img object to be used as point glyphs in loon. See the examples.
l_make_glyphs(data, draw_fun, width = 50, height = 50, ...)
data |
list where each element contains a data object used for the
draw_fun |
function that draws a glyph using R base graphics or the grid (including ggplot2 and lattice) engine |
width |
width of each glyph in pixel |
height |
height of each glyph in pixel |
... |
additional arguments passed on to the |
vector with tk img object references
## Not run:
if (requireNamespace("maps", quietly = TRUE)) {
p <- l_plot(minority$long, minority$lat)
canada <- maps::map("world", "Canada", fill=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
l_map <- l_layer(p, canada, asSingleLayer=TRUE)
img <- l_make_glyphs(lapply(1:nrow(minority), function(i)minority[i,]), function(m) {
mat <- as.matrix(m[1,1:10]/max(m[1:10]))
barplot(height = mat,
beside = FALSE,
ylim = c(0,1),
axes= FALSE,
}, width=120, height=120)
g <- l_glyph_add_image(p, img, "barplot")
p['glyph'] <- g
## with grid
if (requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
li <- l_make_glyphs(runif(6), function(x) {
if(any(x>1 | x<0))
stop("out of range")
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(grid::unit(c(1,1,1,1)*0, "points")))
grid::grid.rect(0, 0, height = grid::unit(x, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp=grid::gpar(col=NA, fill="steelblue"))
p <- l_plot(1:6)
g <- l_glyph_add_image(p, li, "bars")
p['glyph'] <- g
## End(Not run)
## A more familiar example?
## The periodic table
data("elements", package = "loon.data")
# A draw function for each element
draw_element_box <- function(symbol,
name, number,
mass, col) {
if (missing(col)) col <- "white"
oldPar <- par(bg = col, mar = rep(1, 4))
plot(NA, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0, 1), axes=FALSE, ann = FALSE)
text(0.5, 0.6, labels = symbol, cex = 18)
text(0.15, 1, labels = number, cex = 6, adj= c(0.5,1))
text(0.5, 0.25, labels = name, cex = 6)
text(0.5, 0.11, labels = mass_number, cex = 3)
text(0.5, 0.01, labels = mass, cex = 3)
# Get the categories
colIDs <- paste(elements$Category, elements$Subcategory)
# Get a loon palette function
colFn <- color_loon()
# Get colors identified with categories
tableCols <- colFn(colIDs)
# A function to an element box image for each element.
make_element_boxes <- function(elements, cols, width = 500, height = 500) {
if (missing(cols)) cols <- rep("white", nrow(elements))
listOfElements <- lapply(1:nrow(elements),
FUN = function(i) {
list(vals = elements[i,],
col = cols[i])
# glyphs created here
draw_fun = function(element){
x <- element$vals
col <- element$col
draw_element_box(symbol = x$Symbol,
name = x$Name,
number = x$Number,
mass_number = x$Mass_number,
mass = x$Mass,
col = col)
width = width,
height = height)
# Construct the glyphs
boxGlyphs <- make_element_boxes(elements, cols = tableCols)
# Get a couple of plots
periodicTable <- l_plot(x = elements$x, y = elements$y,
xlabel = "", ylabel = "",
title = "Periodic Table of the Elements",
linkingGroup = "elements",
color = tableCols)
# Add the images as possible glyphs
bg <- l_glyph_add_image(periodicTable,
images = boxGlyphs,
label = "Symbol boxes")
# Set this to be the glyph
periodicTable['glyph'] <- bg
# Get a second plot that shows the periodicity
# First some itemlabels
elementLabels <- with(elements,
paste(" ", Number, Symbol, "\n",
" ", Name, "\n",
" ", Mass
periodicPlot <- l_plot(x = elements$Mass, y = elements$Density,
xlabel = "Mass", ylabel = "Density",
itemLabel = elementLabels,
showItemLabels = TRUE,
linkingGroup = "elements",
color = tableCols)
# Add the images as possible glyphs to this plot as well
bg2 <- l_glyph_add_image(periodicPlot,
images = boxGlyphs,
label = "Symbol boxes")
# Could set this to be the glyph
periodicPlot['glyph'] <- bg2
[Package loon version 1.4.1 Index]