l_layer {loon}R Documentation

Loon layers


Loon supports layering of visuals and groups of visuals. The l_layer function is a generic method.


l_layer(widget, x, ...)



widget path as a string or as an object handle


for UseMethod: an object whose class will determine the method to be dispatched.


additional arguments, often state definition for the basic layering function


loon's displays that use the main graphics model (i.e. histogram, scatterplot and graph displays) support layering of visual information. The following table lists the layer types and functions for layering on a display.

Type Description Creator Function
group a group can be a parent of other layers l_layer_group
polygon one polygon l_layer_polygon
text one text string l_layer_text
line one line (i.e. connected line segments) l_layer_line
rectangle one rectangle l_layer_rectangle
oval one oval l_layer_oval
points n points (filled) circle l_layer_points
texts n text strings l_layer_text
polygons n polygons l_layer_polygons
rectangles n rectangles l_layer_rectangles
lines n sets of connected line segments l_layer_lines
smooth fitted smooth line l_layer_smooth
rasterImage one raster image l_layer_rasterImage
heatImage one heat image l_layer_heatImage
contourLines contour lines l_layer_contourLines

Every layer within a display has a unique id. The visuals of the data in a display present the default layer of that display and has the layer id 'model'. For example, the 'model' layer of a scatterplot display visualizes the scatterplot glyphs. Functions useful to query layers are

Function Description
l_layer_ids List layer ids
l_layer_getType Get layer type

Layers are arranged in a tree structure with the tree root having the layer id 'root'. The rendering order of the layers is according to a depth-first traversal of the layer tree. This tree also maintains a label and a visibility flag for each layer. The layer tree, layer ids, layer labels and the visibility of each layer are visualized in the layers inspector. If a layer is set to be invisible then it is not rendered on the display. If a group layer is set to be invisible then all its children are not rendered; however, the visibility flag of the children layers remain unchanged. Relevant functions are:

Function Description
l_layer_getParent Get parent layer id of a layer
l_layer_getChildren Get children of a group layer
l_layer_index Get the order index of a layer among its siblings
l_layer_printTree Print out the layer tree
l_layer_move Move a layer
l_layer_lower Switch the layer place with its sibling to the right
l_layer_raise Switch the layer place with its sibling to the left
l_layer_demote Moves the layer up to be a left sibling of its parent
l_layer_promote Moves the layer to be a child of its right group layer sibling
l_layer_hide Set the layers visibility flag to FALSE
l_layer_show Set the layers visibility flag to TRUE
l_layer_isVisible Return visibility flag of layer
l_layer_layerVisibility Returns logical value for whether layer is actually seen
l_layer_groupVisibility Returns all, part or none for expressing which part of the layers children are visible.
l_layer_delete Delete a layer. If the layer is a group move all its children layers to the layers parent.
l_layer_expunge Delete layer and all its children layer.
l_layer_getLabel Get layer label.
l_layer_relabel Change layer label.
l_layer_bbox Get the bounding box of a layer.

All layers have states that can be queried and modified using the same functions as the ones used for displays (i.e. l_cget, l_configure, `[` and `[<-`). The last group of layer types in the above table have n-dimensional states, where the actual value of n can be different for every layer in a display.

The difference between the model layer and the other layers is that the model layer has a selected state, responds to selection gestures and supports linking.

For more information run: l_help("learn_R_layer")


layer object handle, layer id

See Also

l_info_states, l_scaleto_layer, l_scaleto_world;

some l_layer S3 methods: l_layer.density, l_layer.map, l_layer.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, l_layer.SpatialPolygons, l_layer.Polygons, l_layer.Polygon, l_layer.SpatialLinesDataFrame, l_layer.SpatialLines, l_layer.Lines, l_layer.Line, l_layer.SpatialPointsDataFrame, l_layer.SpatialPoints



# l_layer is a generic method
newFoo <- function(x, y, ...) {
  r <- list(x=x, y=y, ...)
  class(r) <- 'foo'

l_layer.foo <- function(widget, x) {
    x$widget <- widget
    id <- do.call('l_layer_polygon', x)

p <- l_plot()

obj <- newFoo(x=c(1:6,6:2), y=c(3,1,0,0,1,3,3,5,6,6,5), color='yellow')

id <- l_layer(p, obj)


[Package loon version 1.4.1 Index]