l_binCut {loon}R Documentation

Get labels for each observation according to bin cuts in the histogram.


l_binCut divides l_hist widget x into current histogram intervals and codes values x according to which interval they fall (if active). It is modelled on cut in base package.


l_binCut(widget, labels, digits = 2, inactive)



A loon histogram widget.


Labels to identify which bin observations are in. By default, labels are constructed using "(a,b]" interval notation. If labels = FALSE, simple integer codes given by the histogram's bin number are returned instead of a factor. The labels can also be any vector of length equal to the number of bins; these will be used to construct a vector identifying the bins.


The number of digits used in formatting the breaks for default labels.


The value to use for inactive observations when labels is a vector. Default depends on labels.


A vector of bin identifiers having length equal to the total number of observations in the histogram. The type of vector depends on the labels argument. For default labels = NULL, a factor is returned, for labels = FALSE, a vector of bin numbers, and for arbitrary vector labels a vector of bins labelled in order of labels will be returned. Inactive cases appear in no bin and so are assigned the value of active when given. The default active value also depends on labels: when labels = NULL, the default active is "(-Inf, Inf)"; when 'codelabels = FALSE, the default active is -1; and when labels is a vector of length equal to the number of bins, the default active is NA. The value of active denotes the bin name for the inactive cases.

See Also

l_getBinData, l_getBinIds, l_breaks


if(interactive()) {
h <- l_hist(iris)
h["active"] <- iris$Species != "setosa"
binCut <- l_binCut(h)
h['color'] <- binCut
## number of bins
nBins <- length(l_getBinIds(h))
## ggplot color hue
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
h['color'] <- l_binCut(h, labels = gg_color_hue(nBins), inactive = "firebrick")
h["active"] <- TRUE

[Package loon version 1.4.1 Index]