placenamesCanada {}R Documentation

Canadian place names and their geo-locations.


The names (in English and in French) of 10,776 places in Canada together with their geographic locations as compiled by the Government of Canada.

The data are part of the Canadian government's open data project.


A data frame with 10,676 rows and 6 variables


The identification number of the place name (called "PNuid_NLidu" in the source).


A character vector containing the place name in English.


A character vector containing the place name in French.


A factor with 13 levels giving the two-letter code for the Canadian province or territory.


A numeric vector giving the latitude of the place.


A numeric vector giving the longitude of the place.


Note that English and French names rarely differ in this data set.

Details from the source:

"The collection of geolocated placenames in Canada represents a consistent and comprehensive distribution of named places across Canada. Named places include large and small cities, villages, First Nations Communities, Small Hamlets etc.

"This data draws from public information maintained by Natural Resources Canada as part of the Canadian Geographical Names Database and public information maintained by Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada.

"The set of geolocated placenames is currently used for the administration of rural broadband Internet contribution programs, but is equally applicable for other mapping or modelling purposes where a comprehensive set of geolocated placenames across Canada is required."

(downloaded May 29, 2020 from at the slow loading

[Package version 0.1.3 Index]