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Covid 19 Case Data New Zealand
Case data published by the New Zealand Ministry of Health downloaded from the source on May 28, 2020.
The data consist of 1,154 individuals having been confirmed cases of COVID-19. Confirmed cases are people that have had a positive laboratory test.
A data frame with 1154 rows and 9 variables
- Case_date
The date notified of a potential case. This variable is of class "Date" in day-month-year format.
- Sex
The sex of the person, a factor with two levels: Male and Female
- Age
The age group to which the person belongs. This is a factor having levels marked in year groups: "< 1", "01 to 04", "05 to 09", "10 to 14", "15 to 19", "20 to 29", "30 to 39", "40 to 49",
- District_Health_Board
A character vector giving the name of the DHB or District Health Board where the case occurred.
- Overseas_travel
A character vector indicating whether the patient recently travelled overseas.
- Last_country_visited
A character vector giving the name, if known, of the last country visited by the person.
- Flight_number
A character vector recording the number of the flight flown from the last country.
- Flight_departure_date
A vector of class "Date" giving the flight's departure date from the last country visited.
- Arrival_date
A vector of class "Date" giving the flight's arrival date from the last country visited.
From the source: (May 28, 2020: "The case definition has been amended to de-couple respiratory symptoms from a history of travel. Testing is available to people with respiratory symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 infection (including the acute onset of cough with or without fever). This is regardless of travel history or known contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19. Priority groups for testing have been included in the case definitions."
"Confirmed case:
"A case that has laboratory definitive evidence. Laboratory definitive evidence requires at least one of the following: * detection of SARS-CoV-2 from a clinical specimen using a validated NAAT (PCR) * detection of coronavirus from a clinical specimen using pan-coronavirus NAAT (PCR) and confirmation as SARS-CoV-2 by sequencing * significant rise in IgG antibody level to SARS-CoV-2 between paired sera (when serological testing becomes available)."
R.W. Oldford
New Zealand government health website accessed May 28, 2020.