specFGN {longmemo}R Documentation

Spectral Density of Fractional Gaussian Noise


Calculation of the spectral density ff of normalized fractional Gaussian noise with self-similarity parameter HH at the Fourier frequencies 2*pi*j/m (j=1,...,(m-1)).

B.specFGN computes (approximations of) the B(λ,H)B(\lambda, H) component of the spectrum fH(λ)f_H(\lambda).


  specFGN(eta, m, ...)
B.specFGN(lambd, H, k.approx=3, adjust = (k.approx == 3), nsum = 200)



parameter vector eta = c(H, *).


sample size determining Fourier frequencies.


optional arguments for B.specFGN(): k.approx, etc


numeric vector of frequencies in [0, pi]


Hurst parameter in (12,1)(\frac 1 2, 1), (can be outside, here).


either integer (the order of the Paxson approximation), or NULL, NA for choosing to use the slow direct sum (of nsum terms.)


logical indicating (only for k.approx == 3, the default) that Paxson's empirical adjustment should also be used.


if the slow sum is used (e.g. for k.approx = NA), the number of terms.


Note that

  1. cov(X(t),X(t+k)) = integral[ exp(iuk)f(u)du ]

  2. f=theta1*spec and integral[log(spec)]=0.

Since longmemo version 1.1-0, a fast approximation is available (and default), using k.approx terms and an adjustment (adjust=TRUE in the default case of k.approx=3), which is due to the analysis and S code from Paxson (1997).


specFGN() returns an object of class "spec" (see also spectrum) with components


the Fourier frequencies ωj(0,π)\omega_j \in (0,\pi)) at which the spectrum is computed. Note that omegaj=2πj/momega_j = 2\pi j/m for j=1,...,m1j=1,..., m-1, and m=n12m = \left\lfloor\frac{n-1}{2}\right\rfloor.


the scaled values spectral density f(λ)f(\lambda) values at the freq values of λ\lambda.
f(λ)=f(λ)/θ1f^*(\lambda) = f(\lambda) / \theta_1 adjusted such log(f(λ))dλ=0\int \log(f^*(\lambda)) d\lambda = 0.


the scale factor θ1\theta_1.


the self-similarity parameter from input.


a character indicating the kind of model used.

B.specFGN() returns a vector of (approximate) values B(λ,H)B(\lambda, H).


Jan Beran originally (using the slow sum); Martin Maechler, based on Vern Paxson (1997)'s code.


Jan Beran (1994). Statistics for Long-Memory Processes; Chapman & Hall, NY.

Vern Paxson (1997). Fast, Approximate Synthesis of Fractional Gaussian Noise for Generating Self-Similar Network Traffic; Computer Communications Review 27 5, 5–18.

See Also

The spectral estimate for fractional ARIMA, specARIMA; more generally, spectrum.


 str(rg.7  <- specFGN(0.7, m = 100))
 str(rg.5  <- specFGN(0.5, m = 100))# { H = 0.5 <--> white noise ! }

 plot(rg.7) ## work around plot.spec() `bug' in R < 1.6.0
 plot(rg.5, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
 text(2, mean(rg.5$spec), "H = 0.5 [white noise]", col = "blue", adj = c(0,-1/4))
## This was the original method in longmemo, upto version 1.0-0 (incl):
 rg.7.o <- specFGN(0.7, m = 100, k.approx=NA, nsum = 200)
 ## quite accurate (but slightly slower):
 rg.7f  <- specFGN(0.7, m = 100, k.approx=NA, nsum = 10000)
 ## comparing old and new default :
 all.equal(rg.7, rg.7.o)# different in about 5th digit
 all.equal(rg.7, rg.7f )# ==> new default is *more* accurate: 1.42 e-6
 ## takes about  7 sec {in 2011}:
 rg.7ff <- specFGN(0.7, m = 100, k.approx=NA, nsum = 500000)
 all.equal(rg.7f, rg.7ff)# ~ 10 ^ -7
 all.equal(rg.7  $spec, rg.7ff$spec)# ~ 1.33e-6 -- Paxson is accurate!
 all.equal(rg.7.o$spec, rg.7ff$spec)# ~ 2.40e-5 -- old default is less so

[Package longmemo version 1.1-3 Index]