yogurt {logitr}R Documentation

Choice observations of yogurt purchases by 100 households


Data from Jain et al. (1994) containing 2,412 choice observations from a series of yogurt purchases by a panel of 100 households in Springfield, Missouri, over a roughly two-year period. The data were collected by optical scanners and contain information about the price, brand, and a "feature" variable, which identifies whether a newspaper advertisement was shown to the customer. There are four brands of yogurt: Yoplait, Dannon, Weight Watchers, and Hiland, with market shares of 34%, 40%, 23% and 3%, respectively.




Variable Description
id individual identifiers
obsID identifier for unique choice observation
alt alternative in each choice observation
choice dummy code for choice (1 or 0)
price price of yogurt
feat dummy for whether a newspaper advertisement was shown to the customer (1 or 0)
brand yogurt brand: "yoplait", "dannon", "hiland", or "weight" (for weight watcher)


Raw data downloaded from the package mlogit v0.3-0 by Yves Croissant archive


Dipak C. Jain, Naufel J. Vilcassim & Pradeep K. Chintagunta (1994) A Random-Coefficients Logit Brand-Choice Model Applied to Panel Data, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 12:3, 317-328, doi:10.1080/07350015.1994.10524547




[Package logitr version 1.1.2 Index]