logihist {logihist} | R Documentation |
Combined Graphs for Logistic Regression
Plot combined graphs for logistic regressions in the ggplot2 system.
logihist(x, y, scale.hist = 5, breaks = "Sturges", counts = TRUE, intervalo = 0,
ylab2 = "Frequency", fillb = 1, colob = 1, sizeb = 1, pglm = FALSE, se = FALSE,
sizeglm = 1, colglm = 1)
logibox(x, y, boxwd = 0.1, wiswd = 0.05, displac = 0, sizepat = 1, fillb = NA, colob = 1,
colpat = 1, colbig = 1, colmed = 1, sizeb = 1, sizebig = 1, sizemed = 2, colout = 1,
sizeout = 1, shapeout = 1, pglm = FALSE, se = FALSE, sizeglm = 1, colglm = 1)
logidot(x, y, incre = NULL, sizedot = NULL, coldot = 1, shapedot = 1, pglm = FALSE,
se = FALSE, sizeglm = 1, colglm = 1)
x |
Either the predictor variable or a glm object. |
y |
If |
scale.hist |
Value to scale the maximum vertical size of histograms. |
breaks |
How to compute the breakpoints for the histograms. See |
counts |
Add counts above histogram bars (not implemented in this version). |
intervalo |
Width of histogram bins. |
ylab2 |
Label for the y-axis of the histograms. |
fillb |
Color to fill the histogram bars or the boxes of the boxplots. Either a single value or a vector witth different values for the 0 and 1 cases. |
colob |
Color to delineate the histogram bars or the boxes of the boxplots. Either a single or double value. |
colpat |
Color of the line representing the whiskers in boxplots. |
colbig |
Color of the line representing the end of whiskers in boxplots. |
colmed |
Color of the line representing the median in boxplots. |
colout |
Color of the line representing the outliers in boxplots. |
sizeb |
Width of the lines that delineate the histogram bars or the boxes of the boxplots. |
boxwd |
Width of the boxes in boxplots. |
wiswd |
Size of the end of whiskers in boxplots. |
sizebig |
Width of the line representing the end of whiskers in boxplots. |
sizepat |
Width of the line representing the whiskers in boxplots. |
sizemed |
Width of the line representing the median in boxplots. |
sizeout |
Size of the points representing the outliers in boxplots. |
shapeout |
Shape of the points representing the outliers. See the entry for |
displac |
Vertical displacement of boxplots along the y-axis. |
incre |
Separation among points in the dotplot. |
sizedot |
Size of points in the dotplot. |
coldot |
Color of points in the dotplot. |
shapedot |
Shape of the points in the dotplot. See the entry for |
pglm |
Draw the fitted logistic curve? (TRUE or FALSE). |
se |
Draw the standard error around the fitted logistic curve?(TRUE or FALSE). |
sizeglm |
Width of the line for the fitted fitted logistic curve. |
colglm |
Color of the line for the fitted fitted logistic curve. |
The use of functions logihist
, logibox
or logidot
will render a combined graph for logistic regression. Either a double histogram, a double boxplot or a double dotplot, which could be modified or integrated with other graphical elements of ggplot2
A combined graph for logistic regression.
would try to find the optimal size of dots to avoid overlaping. The default computed sizes and separation could be fine-tunned by the arguments sizedot
and incre
Marcelino de la Cruz
See Also
The original implementation of the logi.hist.plot
function for the R graphic sytem in the package popbio.
# Get some data from package popbio
data(aq.trans, package="popbio")
a<-subset(aq.trans, leaf<50 & stage!="recruit", c(leaf,survived))
# Transform the "survived" variable in numeric
# This is necesary to correctly plot the combined graph.
a$survived <-a$survived*1
# Fit a logistic regression
glm.a<- glm(survived~leaf, data=a, family=binomial)
# Histograms
# From individual variables
# Modifying the appearence of histogram bins
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb="blue")
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb="blue", colob="blue")
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb=c("orange","blue"), colob=c("orange","blue"))
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb=c("orange","blue"), colob=c("orange","blue"),
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb=c("orange","blue"), colob=c("orange","blue"),
breaks=seq(0,50, by=2))
# Modifying the combined plot using functions from ggpplot2
logihist(a$leaf,a$survived, fillb=NA, sizeb=0.5, ylab2="Number of plants", )+
ylab("survived")+xlab("leaf")+ stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args =
list(family = "binomial"), se=TRUE, size=1, colour="black")+theme_light()
# The same fromm a glm object
logihist(glm.a, fillb=NA, sizeb=0.5, ylab2="Number of plants", se=TRUE)+
# Dotplots
# Double dotplot from the individual variables, with different symbols for
# 0 and 1 categories (black and void, redand solid respectively).
# Try with a larger dot.
logidot(a$leaf,a$survived,coldot=c(1,2),shapedot=c(1,19), sizedot=1)
# Add the fitted logistic curve and change the presentation using
# respectively an stat and a theme from ggplot2
logidot(a$leaf,a$survived, coldot=c(1,2),shapedot=c(1,19), sizedot=1)+
stat_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial"),
se=FALSE, size=2)+theme_light()+ylab("leaf")+xlab("survived")
# Get the same graphic directly form the fitted glm object
logidot(glm.a, coldot=c(1,2),shapedot=c(1,19), sizedot=1, sizeglm=2,
# Boxplots
logibox(a$leaf,a$survived)+theme_light()+ stat_smooth(method = "glm",
method.args = list(family = "binomial"),se=FALSE )+
geom_jitter(height=0.02, size=0.5, colour="pink", alpha=0.5)