bootstrapping {logging}R Documentation

Bootstrapping the logging package.


basicConfig and logReset provide a way to put the logging package in a know initial state.


basicConfig(level = 20)




The logging level of the root logger. Defaults to INFO. Please do notice that this has no effect on the handling level of the handler that basicConfig attaches to the root logger.


basicConfig creates the root logger, attaches a console handler(by basic.stdout name) to it and sets the level of the handler to level. You must not call basicConfig to for logger to work any more: then root logger is created it gets initialized by default the same way as basicConfig does. If you need clear logger to fill with you own handlers use logReset to remove all default handlers.

logReset reinitializes the whole logging system as if the package had just been loaded except it also removes all default handlers. Typically, you would want to call basicConfig immediately after a call to logReset.


logdebug("not shown, basic is INFO")
logwarn("shown and timestamped")
logwarn("not shown, as no handlers are present after a reset")

[Package logging version 0.10-108 Index]