A Lightweight, Modern and Flexible Logging Utility

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Documentation for package ‘logger’ version 0.3.0

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%except% Try to evaluate an expressions and evaluate another expression on exception
appender_async Delays executing the actual appender function to the future in a background process to avoid blocking the main R session
appender_console Append log record to stderr
appender_file Append log messages to a file
appender_kinesis Send log messages to a Amazon Kinesis stream
appender_pushbullet Send log messages to Pushbullet
appender_slack Send log messages to a Slack channel
appender_stderr Append log record to stderr
appender_stdout Append log record to stdout
appender_syslog Send log messages to the POSIX system log
appender_syslognet Send log messages to a network syslog server
appender_tee Append log messages to a file and stdout as well
appender_telegram Send log messages to a Telegram chat
appender_void Dummy appender not delivering the log record to anywhere
as.loglevel Convert R object into a logger log-level
colorize_by_log_level Colorize string by the related log level
DEBUG Log levels
delete_logger_index Delete an index from a logger namespace
deparse_to_one_line Deparse and join all lines into a single line
ERROR Log levels
fail_on_missing_package Check if R package can be loaded and fails loudly otherwise
FATAL Log levels
formatter_glue Apply 'glue' to convert R objects into a character vector
formatter_glue_or_sprintf Apply 'glue' and 'sprintf'
formatter_glue_safe Apply 'glue_safe' to convert R objects into a character vector
formatter_json Transforms all passed R objects into a JSON list
formatter_logging Mimic the default formatter used in the 'logging' package
formatter_pander Formats R objects with pander
formatter_paste Concatenate R objects into a character vector via 'paste'
formatter_sprintf Apply 'sprintf' to convert R objects into a character vector
get_logger_meta_variables Collect useful information about the logging environment to be used in log messages
grayscale_by_log_level Render a string with light/dark gray based on the related log level
INFO Log levels
layout_blank Format a log record by including the raw message without anything added or modified
layout_glue Format a log message with 'glue'
layout_glue_colors Format a log message with 'glue' and ANSI escape codes to add colors
layout_glue_generator Generate log layout function using common variables available via glue syntax
layout_json Generate log layout function rendering JSON
layout_json_parser Generate log layout function rendering JSON after merging meta fields with parsed list from JSON message
layout_logging Format a log record as the logging package does by default
layout_simple Format a log record by concatenating the log level, timestamp and message
layout_syslognet Format a log record for syslognet
logger Generate logging utility
log_appender Get or set log record appender function
log_debug Log a message with given log level
log_error Log a message with given log level
log_errors Injects a logger call to standard errors
log_eval Evaluate an expression and log results
log_failure Logs the error message to console before failing
log_fatal Log a message with given log level
log_formatter Get or set log message formatter
log_info Log a message with given log level
log_layout Get or set log record layout
log_level Log a message with given log level
log_levels Log levels
log_messages Injects a logger call to standard messages
log_namespaces Looks up logger namespaces
log_separator Logs a long line to stand out from the console
log_shiny_input_changes Auto logging input changes in Shiny app
log_success Log a message with given log level
log_threshold Get or set log level threshold
log_tictoc Tic-toc logging
log_trace Log a message with given log level
log_warn Log a message with given log level
log_warnings Injects a logger call to standard warnings
log_with_separator Logs a message in a very visible way
OFF Log levels
skip_formatter Skip the formatter function
SUCCESS Log levels
TRACE Log levels
WARN Log levels
with_log_threshold Evaluate R expression with a temporarily updated log level threshold