checkSettings {locaR}R Documentation

Check the validity of a settings file or data.frame.


Several checks are run:

  1. settings is either a valid file or a data.frame.

  2. That the adjustments file is either an existing file or ""

  3. That the channels file is either an existing file or NULL.

  4. That the coordinates file exists.

  5. That the detections file exists.

  6. That the siteWavsFolder exists.

  7. That buffer, margin, resolution, date, time, zMin, zMax and surveyLength can all be recognized as numbers.

  8. That tempC or soundSpeed have been defined.





Character or data.frame. Either the path to a settingsFile (csv) or a data.frame containing settings.


Logical, indicating whether all checks were passed or not.

[Package locaR version 0.1.2 Index]