lmtp_sub {lmtp} | R Documentation |
LMTP Substitution Estimator
G-computation estimator for the effects of traditional causal effects and modified treatment policies for both point treatment and longitudinal data with binary, continuous, or time-to-event outcomes. Supports binary, categorical, and continuous exposures.
baseline = NULL,
time_vary = NULL,
cens = NULL,
shift = NULL,
shifted = NULL,
k = Inf,
outcome_type = c("binomial", "continuous", "survival"),
id = NULL,
bounds = NULL,
learners = "SL.glm",
folds = 10,
weights = NULL,
control = lmtp_control()
data |
[ |
trt |
[ |
outcome |
[ |
baseline |
[ |
time_vary |
[ |
cens |
[ |
shift |
[ |
shifted |
[ |
k |
[ |
outcome_type |
[ |
id |
[ |
bounds |
[ |
learners |
[ |
folds |
[ |
weights |
[ |
control |
[ |
A list of class lmtp
containing the following components:
estimator |
The estimator used, in this case "substitution". |
theta |
The estimated population LMTP effect. |
standard_error |
NA |
low |
NA |
high |
NA |
shift |
The shift function specifying the treatment policy of interest. |
outcome_reg |
An n x Tau + 1 matrix of outcome regression predictions. The mean of the first column is used for calculating theta. |
fits_m |
A list the same length as |
outcome_type |
The outcome variable type. |
n <- 1000
W <- rnorm(n, 10, 5)
A <- 23 + 5*W + rnorm(n)
Y <- 7.2*A + 3*W + rnorm(n)
ex1_dat <- data.frame(W, A, Y)
# Example 1.1
# Point treatment, continuous exposure, continuous outcome, no loss-to-follow-up
# Interested in the effect of a modified treatment policy where A is decreased by 15
# units only among observations whose observed A was above 80.
# The true value under this intervention is about 513.
policy <- function(data, x) {
(data[[x]] > 80)*(data[[x]] - 15) + (data[[x]] <= 80)*data[[x]]
lmtp_sub(ex1_dat, "A", "Y", "W", shift = policy,
outcome_type = "continuous", folds = 2)
# Example 2.1
# Longitudinal setting, time-varying continuous exposure bounded by 0,
# time-varying covariates, and a binary outcome with no loss-to-follow-up.
# Interested in the effect of a treatment policy where exposure decreases by
# one unit at every time point if an observations observed exposure is greater
# than or equal to 2. The true value under this intervention is about 0.305.
A <- c("A_1", "A_2", "A_3", "A_4")
L <- list(c("L_1"), c("L_2"), c("L_3"), c("L_4"))
policy <- function(data, trt) {
a <- data[[trt]]
(a - 1) * (a - 1 >= 1) + a * (a - 1 < 1)
# BONUS: progressr progress bars!
progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
lmtp_sub(sim_t4, A, "Y", time_vary = L, shift = policy, folds = 2)
# Example 2.2
# The previous example assumed that the outcome (as well as the treatment variables)
# were directly affected by all other nodes in the past. In certain situations,
# domain specific knowledge may suggest otherwise.
# This can be controlled using the k argument.
lmtp_sub(sim_t4, A, "Y", time_vary = L, shift = policy, k = 0, folds = 2)
# Example 2.3
# Using the same data as examples 2.1 and 2.2.
# Now estimating the effect of a dynamic modified treatment policy.
# creating a dynamic mtp that applies the shift function
# but also depends on history and the current time
policy <- function(data, trt) {
mtp <- function(data, trt) {
(data[[trt]] - 1) * (data[[trt]] - 1 >= 1) + data[[trt]] * (data[[trt]] - 1 < 1)
# if its the first time point, follow the same mtp as before
if (trt == "A_1") return(mtp(data, trt))
# otherwise check if the time varying covariate equals 1
data[[sub("A", "L", trt)]] == 1,
mtp(data, trt), # if yes continue with the policy
data[[trt]] # otherwise do nothing
lmtp_sub(sim_t4, A, "Y", time_vary = L, k = 0, shift = policy, folds = 2)
# Example 2.4
# Using the same data as examples 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, but now treating the exposure
# as an ordered categorical variable. To account for the exposure being a
# factor we just need to modify the shift function (and the original data)
# so as to respect this.
tmp <- sim_t4
for (i in A) {
tmp[[i]] <- factor(tmp[[i]], levels = 0:5, ordered = TRUE)
policy <- function(data, trt) {
out <- list()
a <- data[[trt]]
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
if (as.character(a[i]) %in% c("0", "1")) {
out[[i]] <- as.character(a[i])
} else {
out[[i]] <- as.numeric(as.character(a[i])) - 1
factor(unlist(out), levels = 0:5, ordered = TRUE)
lmtp_sub(tmp, A, "Y", time_vary = L, shift = policy, k = 0, folds = 2)
# Example 3.1
# Longitudinal setting, time-varying binary treatment, time-varying covariates
# and baseline covariates with no loss-to-follow-up. Interested in a "traditional"
# causal effect where treatment is set to 1 at all time points for all observations.
if (require("twang")) {
data("iptwExWide", package = "twang")
A <- paste0("tx", 1:3)
W <- c("gender", "age")
L <- list(c("use0"), c("use1"), c("use2"))
lmtp_sub(iptwExWide, A, "outcome", baseline = W, time_vary = L,
shift = static_binary_on, outcome_type = "continuous")
# Example 4.1
# Longitudinal setting, time-varying continuous treatment, time-varying covariates,
# binary outcome with right censoring. Interested in the mean population outcome under
# the observed exposures in a hypothetical population with no loss-to-follow-up.
A <- c("A1", "A2")
L <- list(c("L1"), c("L2"))
C <- c("C1", "C2")
Y <- "Y"
lmtp_sub(sim_cens, A, Y, time_vary = L, cens = C, shift = NULL, folds = 2)
# Example 5.1
# Time-to-event analysis with a binary time-invariant exposure. Interested in
# the effect of treatment being given to all observations on the cumulative
# incidence of the outcome.
# For a survival problem, the outcome argument now takes a vector of outcomes
# if an observation experiences the event prior to the end of follow-up, all future
# outcome nodes should be set to 1 (i.e., last observation carried forward).
A <- "trt"
Y <- paste0("Y.", 1:6)
C <- paste0("C.", 0:5)
W <- c("W1", "W2")
lmtp_sub(sim_point_surv, A, Y, W, cens = C, folds = 2,
shift = static_binary_on, outcome_type = "survival")
# Example 6.1
# Intervening on multiple exposures simultaneously. Interested in the effect of
# a modified treatment policy where variable D1 is decreased by 0.1 units and
# variable D2 is decreased by 0.5 units simultaneously.
A <- list(c("D1", "D2"))
W <- paste0("C", 1:3)
Y <- "Y"
d <- function(data, a) {
out = list(
data[[a[1]]] - 0.1,
data[[a[2]]] - 0.5
setNames(out, a)
lmtp_sub(multivariate_data, A, Y, W, shift = d,
outcome_type = "continuous", folds = 1)