pelp {lmom}R Documentation

Parameter estimation for a general distribution by the method of L-moments


Computes the parameters of a probability distribution as a function of the LL-moments or trimmed LL-moments.


pelp(lmom, pfunc, start, bounds = c(-Inf, Inf),
     type = c("n", "s", "ls", "lss"),
     ratios = NULL, trim = NULL, method = "nlm", acc = 1e-5,
     subdiv = 100, ...)

pelq(lmom, qfunc, start, type = c("n", "s", "ls", "lss"),
     ratios = NULL, trim = NULL, method = "nlm", acc = 1e-5,
     subdiv = 100, ...)



Numeric vector containing the LL-moments of the distribution or of a data sample.


Cumulative distribution function of the distribution.


Quantile function of the distribution.


Vector of starting values for the parameters.


Either a vector of length 2, containing the lower and upper bounds of the distribution, or a function that calculates these bounds given the distribution parameters as inputs.


Type of distribution, i.e. how it is parametrized. Must be one of the following:


The distribution has a location parameter and a scale parameter.


The distribution has a location parameter and a scale parameter, and is symmetric about its median.


The distribution has a scale parameter but not a location parameter.


The distribution has neither a location parameter nor a scale parameter.

For more details, see the “Distribution type” section below.


Logical or NULL. If FALSE, lmom should contain LL-moments; if TRUE, lmom should contain LL-moment ratios. If NULL and lmom has names, the contents of lmom will be inferred from these names - see section “Inferring ‘ratios’ and ‘trim’” below. The default value (if ratios is NULL and lmom has no names) is TRUE.


The degree of trimming corresponding to the LL-moments in lmom. Can be a single value or a vector length 2, as for samlmu. Can also be NULL: in this case if lmom has names, the degree of trimming will be inferred from these names - see section “Inferring ‘ratios’ and ‘trim’” below. The default value (if trim is NULL and lmom has no names) is 0.


Method used to estimate the shape parameters (i.e. all parameters other than the location and scale parameters, if any). Valid values are "nlm" (the default), "uniroot" (which is valid only if the distribution has at most one shape parameter), and any of the values of the method argument of function optim. See the “Details” section below.


Requested accuracy for the estimated parameters. This will be absolute accuracy for shape parameters, relative accuracy for a scale parameter, and absolute accuracy of the location parameter divided by the scale parameter for a location parameter.


Maximum number of subintervals used in the numerical integration that computes LL-moments of the distribution. Passed to functions lmrp or lmrq, which perform this integration.


Further arguments will be passed to the optimization function (nlm, uniroot, or optim).


For shape parameters, numerical optimization is used to find parameter values for which the population LL-moments or LL-moment ratios are equal to the values supplied in lmom. Computation of LL-moments or LL-moment ratios uses functions lmrp (for pelp) or lmrq (for pelq). Numerical optimization uses R functions nlm (if method="nlm"), uniroot (if method="uniroot"), or optim with the specified method (for the other values of method). Function uniroot uses one-dimensional root-finding, while functions nlm and optim try to minimize a criterion function that is the sum of squared differences between the population LL-moments or LL-moment ratios and the values supplied in lmom. Location and scale parameters are then estimated noniteratively. In all cases, the calculation of population LL-moments and LL-moment ratios is performed by function lmrp or lmrq (when using pelp or pelq respectively).

This approach is very crude. Nonetheless, it is often effective in practice. As in all numerical optimizations, success may depend on the way that the distribution is parametrized and on the particular choice of starting values for the parameters.


A list with components:


Numeric vector containing the estimated parameters of the distribution.


An integer indicating the result of the numerical optimization used to estimate the shape parameters. It is 0 if there are no shape parameters. In general, values 1 and 2 indicate successful convergence of the iterative procedure, a value of 3 indicates that the iteration may not have converged, and values of 4 or more indicate that the iteration did not converge. Specifically, code is:

For method "nlm", the code component of the return value from nlm.

For method "uniroot", 1 if the estimated precision of the shape parameter is less than or equal to acc, and 4 otherwise.

For the other methods, the convergence component of the return value from optim.

Further details of arguments

The length of lmom should be (at least) the highest order of LL-moment used in the estimation procedure. For a distribution with rr parameters this is 2r22r-2 if type="lss" and rr otherwise.

pfunc and qfunc can be either the standard R form of cumulative distribution function or quantile function (i.e. for a distribution with rr parameters, the first argument is the variate xx or the probability pp and the next rr arguments are the parameters of the distribution) or the cdf... or qua... forms used throughout the lmom package (i.e. the first argument is the variate xx or probability pp and the second argument is a vector containing the parameter values). Even for the R form, however, starting values for the parameters are supplied as a vector start.

If bounds is a function, its arguments must match the distribution parameter arguments of pfunc: either a single vector, or a separate argument for each parameter.

It is assumed that location and scale parameters come first in the set of parameters of the distribution. Specifically: if type="ls" or type="lss", it is assumed that the first parameter is the location parameter and that the second parameter is the scale parameter; if type="s" it is assumed that the first parameter is the scale parameter.

It is important that the length of start be equal to the number of parameters of the distribution. Starting values for location and scale parameters should be included in start, even though they are not used. If start has the wrong length, it is possible that meaningless results will be returned without any warning being issued.

Distribution type

The type argument affects estimation as follows. We assume that location and scale parameters are ξ\xi and α\alpha respectively, and that the shape parameters (if there are any) are collectively designated by θ\theta.

If type="ls", then the LL-moment ratios τ3,τ4,\tau_3, \tau_4, \ldots depend only on the shape parameters. If there are any shape parameters, they are estimated by equating the sample LL-moment ratios of orders 3, 4, etc., to the population LL-moment ratios and solving the resulting equations for the shape parameters (using as many equations as there are shape parameters). The LL-moment λ2\lambda_2 is a multiple of α\alpha, the multiplier being a function only of θ\theta. α\alpha is estimated by dividing the second sample LL-moment by the multiplier function evaluated at the estimated value of θ\theta. The LL-moment λ1\lambda_1 is ξ\xi plus a function of α\alpha and θ\theta. ξ\xi is estimated by subtracting from the first sample LL-moment the function evaluated at the estimated values of α\alpha and θ\theta.

If type="lss", then the LL-moment ratios of odd order, τ3,τ5,\tau_3, \tau_5, \ldots, are zero and the LL-moment ratios of even order, τ4,τ6,\tau_4, \tau_6, \ldots, depend only on the shape parameters. If there are any shape parameters, they are estimated by equating the sample LL-moment ratios of orders 4, 6, etc., to the population LL-moment ratios and solving the resulting equations for the shape parameters (using as many equations as there are shape parameters). Parameters α\alpha and ξ\xi are estimated as in case when type="ls".

If type="s", then the LL-moments divided by λ1\lambda_1, i.e. λ2/λ1,λ3/λ1,\lambda_2/\lambda_1, \lambda_3/\lambda_1, \ldots, depend only on the shape parameters. If there are any shape parameters, they are estimated by equating the sample LL-moments (divided by the first sample LL-moment) of orders 2, 3, etc., to the corresponding population LL-moments (divided by the first population LL-moment) and solving the resulting equations (as many equations as there are shape parameters). The LL-moment λ1\lambda_1 is a multiple of α\alpha, the multiplier being a function only of θ\theta. α\alpha is estimated by dividing the first sample LL-moment by the multiplier function evaluated at the estimated value of θ\theta.

If type="n", then all parameters are shape parameters. They are estimated by equating the sample LL-moments of orders 1, 2, etc., to the population LL-moments and solving the resulting equations for the parameters (using as many equations as there are parameters).

Inferring ‘ratios’ and ‘trim’

If ratios or trim is NULL, appropriate values will be inferred by inspecting the names of lmom. It is assumed that lmom was generated by a call to samlmu, lmrp, or lmrq; in this case its names will reflect the values of ratios and trim used in that call. If in this case lmom has no names, default values ratios=TRUE and trim=0 will be used.

This inference is made in order to reduce the need to specify the orders of trimming repetitively. For example, a distribution with quantile function qfunc can be fitted to (1,1)-trimmed LL-moments of data in x by

  lmom <- samlmu(x, trim=1)
  fit <- pelq(lmom, qfunc, start=...)

There is no need to specify trim both in the call to samlmu and the call to pelq.


J. R. M. Hosking

See Also

pelexp for parameter estimation of specific distributions.


## Gamma distribution -- rewritten so that its first parameter
## is a scale parameter
my.pgamma <- function(x, scale, shape) pgamma(x, shape=shape, scale=scale)
pelp(c(5,2), my.pgamma, start=c(1,1), bounds=c(0,Inf), type="s")
# We can also do the estimation suppressing our knowledge
# that one parameter is a shape parameter.
pelp(c(5,2), my.pgamma, start=c(1,1), bounds=c(0,Inf), type="n")

## Kappa distribution -- has location, scale and 2 shape parameters
# Estimate via pelq
pel.out <- pelq(c(10,5,0.3,0.15), quakap, start=c(0,1,0,0), type="ls")
# Check that L-moments of estimated distribution agree with the
# L-moments input to pelq()
# Compare with the distribution-specific routine pelkap

# Similar results -- what's the advantage of the specific routine?
system.time(pelq(c(10,5,0.3,0.15), quakap, start=c(0,1,0,0), type="ls"))

# Caution -- pelq() will not check that estimates are reasonable
lmom <- c(10,5,0.2,0.25)
pel.out <- pelq(lmom, quakap, start=c(0,1,0,0), type="ls")
lmrkap(pel.out$para) # should be close to lmom, but tau_3 and tau_4 are not
# What happened? pelkap will tell us
rm(lmom, pel.out)

## Inverse Gaussian -- don't have explicit estimators for this
## distribution, but can use numerical methods
# CDF of inverse gaussian distribution
pig <- function(x, mu, lambda) {
  temp <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(lambda/x))
  xx <- pnorm(temp*(x/mu-1))+exp(2*lambda/mu+pnorm(temp*(x/mu+1),
              lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE))
  out <- ifelse(x<=0, 0, xx)
# Fit to ozone data
pel.out <- pelp(lmom[1:2], pig, start=c(10,10), bounds=c(0,Inf))
# First four L-moments of fitted distribution,
# for comparison with sample L-moments
lmrp(pig, pel.out$para[1], pel.out$para[2], bounds=c(0,Inf))

## A Student t distribution with location and scale parameters
qstu <- function(p, xi, alpha, df) xi + alpha * qt(p, df)
# Estimate parameters.  Distribution is symmetric: use type="lss"
pelq(c(3,5,0,0.2345), qstu, start=c(0,1,10), type="lss")
# Doesn't converge (at least on the author's system) --
# try a different parametrization
qstu2 <- function(p, xi, alpha, shape) xi + alpha * qt(p, 1/shape)
# Now it converges
pelq(c(3,5,0,0.2345), qstu2, start=c(0,1,0.1), type="lss")
# Or try a different optimization method
pelq(c(3,5,0,0.2345), qstu, start=c(0,1,10), type="lss",
    method="uniroot", lower=2, upper=100)

## With trimmed L-moments, we can fit this distribution even when
## it does not have a finite mean ('df' less than 1)
dat <- qstu(runif(1000), xi=3, alpha=5, df=0.75)
lmom <- samlmu(dat, trim=1)
# Note that pelq() infers 'trim=1' from the names of 'lmom'
pelq(lmom, qstu, start=c(0,1,10), type="lss",  method="uniroot",
  lower=0.51, upper=100)

rm(qstu, qstu2, dat, lmom)

[Package lmom version 3.0 Index]