Add Standardized Regression Coefficients to Linear-Model-Objects

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Documentation for package ‘lm.beta’ version 1.7-2

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lm.beta-package Add Standardized Regression Coefficients to 'lm'-Objects
coef.lm.beta Print Coefficients of Standardized Linear-Model-Object
lm.beta Add Standardized Regression Coefficients to Linear-Model-Objects
print.lm.beta Print Standardized Linear-Model-Object
summary.lm.beta Summarize Standardized Linear-Model-Object
xtable.lm.beta Coerce Coefficent Table of Standardized Linear-Model-Object to LaTeX- and HTML-Tables
xtable.summary.lm.beta Coerce Coefficent Table of Standardized Linear-Model-Object to LaTeX- and HTML-Tables