List Comprehension for R

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Documentation for package ‘listcompr’ version 0.4.0

Help Pages Generate Lists, Vectors, Data Frames and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.list Generate Lists, Vectors, Data Frames and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.list.expr Generate List and Vector Expressions with List Comprehension
gen.logical.and Generate Logical Conditions with List Comprehension
gen.logical.or Generate Logical Conditions with List Comprehension
gen.matrix Generate Lists, Vectors, Data Frames and Matrices with List Comprehension Generate Named Lists, Vectors, Data Frames, and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.named.list Generate Named Lists, Vectors, Data Frames, and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.named.list.expr Generate List and Vector Expressions with List Comprehension
gen.named.matrix Generate Named Lists, Vectors, Data Frames, and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.named.vector Generate Named Lists, Vectors, Data Frames, and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.named.vector.expr Generate List and Vector Expressions with List Comprehension
gen.vector Generate Lists, Vectors, Data Frames and Matrices with List Comprehension
gen.vector.expr Generate List and Vector Expressions with List Comprehension
listcompr Summary of the listcompr Package