linkcomm-package |
The 'linkcomm' package |
corLinkcommCentrality |
Correlation of Community Centrality with Classic Centrality |
cutDendrogramAt |
Extract Meta-Communities |
edge.duplicates |
Find and Remove Edge Loops and Duplicates | |
Find Node Overlaps between Communities |
get.shared.nodes |
Get Nodes Shared by Communities |
getAllNestedComm |
Find Nested Communities |
getClusterRelatedness |
Hierarchichal Clustering of Link Communities |
getCommunityCentrality |
Calculate Community Centrality Measures for Nodes |
getCommunityConnectedness |
Calculate Community Connectedness or Modularity |
getCommunityMatrix |
Construct a Community Membership Matrix |
getEdgesIn |
Extract Edge Indices from Communities |
getLinkCommunities |
Extract Link Communities from a Network |
getNestedHierarchies |
Find Nested Structures in Communities |
getNodesIn |
Extract Nodes from Communities |
getOCG.clusters |
Generate Overlapping Cluster Generator (OCG) Communities |
graph.feature |
Make Node or Edge Graph Features |
human_pp |
Sample Human Protein Interactome |
integer.edgelist |
Convert A Network to an Integer Edgelist |
karate |
Social Network in a Karate Club | |
Calculate Node Coordinates for a Spencer Circle |
lesmiserables |
Co-Appearance Network from Les Miserables |
linkcomm |
The 'linkcomm' package |
linkcomm2clustnsee |
Write a Partition File for Clust&See |
linkcomm2cytoscape |
Write an Edge Attribute File for Cytoscape |
LinkDensities |
Calculate Link Community Link Densities |
meta.communities |
Produce a Set of Meta-Communities |
newLinkCommsAt |
User-Defined Link Communities |
numberEdgesIn |
Extract Node Community Membership by Edges |
orderCommunities |
Order Link Communities According to the Dendrogram |
plot.linkcomm |
The 'linkcomm' Plotting Function |
plot.OCG |
The 'OCG' Plotting Function |
plotLinkCommDend |
Plot a Coloured Dendrogram of Link Communities |
plotLinkCommGraph |
Plot a Graph Layout of Link Communities |
plotLinkCommMembers |
Plot a Community Membership Matrix for Link Communities |
plotLinkCommSumm |
Plot a Summary of the Link Community Algorithm Output |
plotLinkCommSummComm |
Plot a Summary of the Link Communities |
plotOCGraph |
Plot a Graph Layout of OCG Communities |
pp_rnapol |
Sample Yeast Protein Interactome |
print.linkcomm |
Print a Summary of a 'linkcomm' Object |
print.OCG |
Print a Summary of an 'OCG' Object |
read.OCG |
Read an OCG Partition File into R |
weighted |
Sample Gene Co-Expression Network |
which.communities |
Extract Community Membership for Nodes |