which_best {lineup2}R Documentation

Determine which individual has smallest distance to each individual


For each individual represented in a distance matrix, find the individual giving the smallest entry (with NAs for individuals present in only the rows or only the columns).


which_best(d, dimension = c("row", "column"), get_min = TRUE)



A distance matrix


Whether to get the minimum by row or by column


If TRUE, get the minimum; if FALSE, get the maximum


A vector with all distinct individuals, with the character string labels for the individuals giving the minimum (or maximum) value by row or column. We include all individuals so that the results are aligned with the results of get_self().

See Also

get_best(), get_self(), get_2ndbest(), which_2ndbest()


# align rows in the provided dataset, lineup2ex
aligned <- align_matrix_rows(lineup2ex$gastroc, lineup2ex$islet)
# find correlated columns
selected_genes <- (corr_betw_matrices(aligned[[1]], aligned[[2]], "paired") > 0.75)
# calculate correlation between rows
similarity <- corr_betw_matrices(t(lineup2ex$gastroc[,selected_genes]),
                                 t(lineup2ex$islet[,selected_genes]), "all")
# which sample gives maximum value by row
best_byrow <- which_best(similarity, get_min=FALSE)

# which sample gives maximum value by column
best_bycol <- which_best(similarity, get_min=FALSE, dimension="column")

[Package lineup2 version 0.6 Index]