limonaid-package |
limonaid-package |
append_lsdf_rows |
A home-rolled version of plyr::rbind.fill |
cat0 |
Concatenate to screen without spaces |
convertToNumeric |
Conveniently convert vectors to numeric |
emptyDf |
Create an empty dataframe |
export_with_languages |
Export a survey with a specific primary and additional languages |
get |
Options for the limonaid package |
get_session_key |
Get a LimeSurvey API session key |
limer_base64_to_df |
Convert base64 encoded data to a data frame |
limer_call_limer |
Make a call to the LimeSurvey API |
limer_get_participants |
Export list of participants from a LimeSurvey survey |
limer_get_participant_property |
Get a participant property from a LimeSurvey survey |
limer_get_responses |
Export data from a LimeSurvey survey |
limer_release_session_key |
Release a LimeSurvey API session key |
limonaid |
limonaid-package |
lsdf_for_language |
Produce the dataframe containing the survey for one language |
ls_apply_script_bits |
Apply specific code bits from LimeSurvey data import R script |
ls_eq_brace |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_build |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_if |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_ifRegex |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_is |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_isChecked |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_isUnchecked |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_eq_nestIfs |
Create a series of nested LSEM 'if' equations |
ls_eq_quote |
Building LimeSurvey Expression Manager equations |
ls_import_data |
Reading LimeSurvey data exported to R |
ls_parse_data_import_script |
Extract specific code bits from LimeSurvey data import R script |
ls_process_labels |
A function to conveniently process LimeSurvey labels |
ls_read_tsv |
Read a LimeSurvey Tab-Separated Values file |
ls_recodeTable_to_equations |
Recode a set of LS variables codes and values into LSEM equations |
ls_tsv_get_group_rows |
Get all group rows from a LimeSurvey survey dataframe |
ls_tsv_get_rows |
Display rows from a LimeSurvey dataframe that meet a criterion |
ls_tsv_rows |
Display one or more rows from a LimeSurvey dataframe, omitting empty columns |
ls_write_tsv |
Write a data frame to a LimeSurvey Tab Separated Values file |
mail_registered_participant |
Mail registered participant |
massConvertToNumeric |
Converting many dataframe columns to numeric |
opts |
Options for the limonaid package |
processLimeSurveyDropouts |
Process LimeSurvey dropouts |
Question |
R6 Class representing a LimeSurvey question |
repeatStr |
Repeat a string a number of times |
repStr |
Repeat a string a number of times |
reset |
Options for the limonaid package |
set |
Options for the limonaid package |
Survey |
R6 Class representing a LimeSurvey survey |
vecTxt |
Easily parse a vector into a character value |
vecTxtQ |
Easily parse a vector into a character value |