Analysis and Visualization Likert Items

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Documentation for package ‘likert’ version 1.3.5

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likert-package Likert Analysis and Visualization
abs_formatter Absolute value formatter for continuous_scale
align.plots Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is related to an experimental mlpsa plot that will combine the circular plot along with the two individual distributions.
gap Fictitious dataset with importance and satisfaction results across five different offices.
label_wrap_mod Wrap label text.
likert Analyze Likert type items. Bar Plot for Likert Items.
likert.density.plot Creates a density plot for likert items.
likert.heat.plot Internal method.
likert.histogram.plot Histogram of number of responses.
likert.matrix.plot Matrix plot (experimental)
likert.options Builds an object with options for plotting 'likert' results.
mass Results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey.
MathAnxiety Pre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey.
MathAnxietyGender Pre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey grouped by gender.
pisaitems Programme of International Student Assessment
plot.likert Plots a set of likert items. Plots a set of likert items.
print.likert Prints results table. Print method for ''. The primary purpose is to suppress the "Stacking not well defined when ymin != 0" warning printed by 'ggplot2' for bar plots that have negative bars (i.e. the centered plots). Prints results table.
print.likert.heat.plot Print method for 'likert.heat.plot'.
print.xlikert Prints the results of 'xtable.likert'.
recode Recode a vector.
reverse.levels Reverse the levels of a factor.
sasr Results from the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation (SASR).
shinyLikert Shiny App for the likert package.
summary.likert Prints summary table of a Likert analysis. Prints summary table of a Likert analysis.
xtable.likert Prints a LaTeX table of the likert items.