likert-package |
Likert Analysis and Visualization |
abs_formatter |
Absolute value formatter for continuous_scale |
align.plots |
Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is related to an experimental mlpsa plot that will combine the circular plot along with the two individual distributions. |
gap |
Fictitious dataset with importance and satisfaction results across five different offices. |
label_wrap_mod |
Wrap label text. |
likert |
Analyze Likert type items. | |
Bar Plot for Likert Items. |
likert.density.plot |
Creates a density plot for likert items. |
likert.heat.plot |
Internal method. |
likert.histogram.plot |
Histogram of number of responses. |
likert.matrix.plot |
Matrix plot (experimental) |
likert.options |
Builds an object with options for plotting 'likert' results. |
mass |
Results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey. |
MathAnxiety |
Pre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey. |
MathAnxietyGender |
Pre-summarized results from an administration of the Math Anxiety Scale Survey grouped by gender. |
pisaitems |
Programme of International Student Assessment |
plot.likert |
Plots a set of likert items. | |
Plots a set of likert items. |
print.likert |
Prints results table. | |
Print method for ''. The primary purpose is to suppress the "Stacking not well defined when ymin != 0" warning printed by 'ggplot2' for bar plots that have negative bars (i.e. the centered plots). | |
Prints results table. |
print.likert.heat.plot |
Print method for 'likert.heat.plot'. |
print.xlikert |
Prints the results of 'xtable.likert'. |
recode |
Recode a vector. |
reverse.levels |
Reverse the levels of a factor. |
sasr |
Results from the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation (SASR). |
shinyLikert |
Shiny App for the likert package. |
summary.likert |
Prints summary table of a Likert analysis. | |
Prints summary table of a Likert analysis. |
xtable.likert |
Prints a LaTeX table of the likert items. |