logMPL {likelihoodAsy} | R Documentation |
Modified profile likelihood computation
This function evaluates the Modified Profile Likelihood (MPL) for a subset of the model parameter. The result is optionally returned with a minus sign, so the function can be used directly as input to a general-purpose optimizer.
logMPL(psival, data, mle, floglik, fscore=NULL, indpsi, datagen, R=500, seed=NULL,
minus=FALSE, onestep=FALSE, jhat=NULL, trace=FALSE)
psival |
A numerical vector containing the value of the parameter of interest. |
data |
The data as a list. All the elements required to compute the likelihood function
at a given parameter value should be included in this list. The required format of such list
will be determined by the user-provided function |
mle |
A numerical vector, containing the maximum likelihood estimate of the entire model parameter. |
floglik |
A function which returns the log likelihood function at a given parameter value.
In particular, for a certain parameter value contained in a numerical vector |
fscore |
An optional function which returns the score function at a given parameter value. It must return a numerical
vector of the same length of |
indpsi |
A vector of integers in the range |
datagen |
A function which simulates a data set. A call |
R |
The number of Monte Carlo replicates used for computing the modified profile likelihood. A positive integer, default
is |
seed |
Optional positive integer, the random seed for the Monte Carlo computation. Default is |
minus |
Logical. Should the modified profile likelihood be multiplied by -1? This may be useful for usage with
optimizers. Default is |
onestep |
Logical. If set to |
jhat |
A squared matrix with dimension equal to |
trace |
Logical. When set to |
The function implements the Modified Profile Likelihood employing the approximation to sample space derivatives proposed in Skovgaard (1996). The function is designed to be used with external functions, such as optimizers and evaluators over a grid of points.
A scalar value, minus the modified profile likelihood at psival
Severini, T.A. (2000). Likelihood Methods in Statistics. Oxford University Press.
Skovgaard, I.M. (1996) An explicit large-deviation approximation to one-parameter tests. Bernoulli, 2, 145–165.
# Approximating the conditional likelihood for logistic regression
# Let us define the various functions
# Log likelihood for logistic regression
loglik.logit<- function(theta, data)
y <- data$y
den <- data$den
X <- data$X
eta <- X %*% theta
p <- plogis(eta)
l <- sum(y * log(p) + (den - y) * log(1-p))
# Score function
grad.logit<- function(theta, data)
y <- data$y
den <- data$den
X <- data$X
eta <- X %*% theta
p <- plogis(eta)
out <- t(y - p * den) %*% X
# Data generator
gendat.logit<- function(theta, data)
X <- data$X
eta <- X %*% theta
p <- plogis(eta)
out <- data
out$y <- rbinom(length(data$y), size = data$den, prob = p)
# Famous crying babies data
mod.glm <- glm(formula = cbind(r1, r2) ~ day + lull - 1, family = binomial,
data = babies)
data.obj <- list(y = babies$r1, den = babies$r1 + babies$r2,
X = model.matrix(mod.glm))
# Numerical optimization of profile and modified profile log likelihoods
max.prof <- nlminb(0, logPL, data=data.obj, thetainit=coef(mod.glm),
floglik=loglik.logit, fscore=grad.logit, indpsi=19, minus=TRUE, trace=FALSE)
max.mpl <- nlminb(0, logMPL, data=data.obj, mle=coef(mod.glm),
floglik=loglik.logit, fscore=grad.logit, datagen=gendat.logit,
indpsi=19, R=50, seed=2020, minus=TRUE, trace=FALSE)
c(max.prof$par, max.mpl$par)
# We can plot the profile likelihood and the modified profile likelihood
# R=50 suffices for the modified profile likelihood as the model is a full exp. family
psi.vals <- seq(-0.3, 3.7, l=20)
obj.prof <- sapply(psi.vals, logPL, data=data.obj, thetainit=coef(mod.glm),
floglik=loglik.logit, fscore=grad.logit, indpsi=19, trace=FALSE)
obj.mpl <- sapply(psi.vals, logMPL, data=data.obj, mle=coef(mod.glm),
floglik=loglik.logit, fscore=grad.logit, datagen=gendat.logit,
indpsi=19, trace=FALSE, R=50, seed=2020)
plot(psi.vals, obj.prof - max(obj.prof), type="l", xlab=expression(psi),
ylab="log likelihood", lwd=2, las=1)
lines(psi.vals, obj.mpl - max(obj.mpl), col="red", lwd=2)
legend("topright", col=c(1, 2), lty=1, lwd=2, legend=c("Profile","MPL"), bty="n")