Install, Update, Load Packages from CRAN, 'GitHub', and 'Bioconductor' in One Step

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Documentation for package ‘librarian’ version 1.8.1

Help Pages

browse_cran Search for CRAN packages by keyword/regex
check_attached Check if packages are attached
check_installed Check if packages are installed
check_pkg_status Check if packages are installed or attached
collapse_vec Collapse a vector
dots1_is_pkglist Is the 1st 'dots' arg a character vector with length > 1?
dots_is_empty Did the user pass arguments inside dots?
dots_length How many items are in dots?
fuzzy_needle Turn a list of words into a fuzzy regex
is_valid_url Assert that a URL is complete and valid
lib_paths Changing and viewing the package search paths
lib_startup Set packages and library paths to automatically start-up with R
list_dependencies List the dependencies of selected packages
make_dirs Build a path, creating subfolders if needed
nse_dots Convert dots to package names
reshelf Detach and then reattach packages to the search path
sentence Keep the first sentence of a string.
shelf Attach packages to the search path, installing them from CRAN, GitHub, or Bioconductor if needed
shhh Suppresses console output, including printing
stock Install packages from CRAN, GitHub, or Bioconductor if needed/wanted
tell_user Messages for the user
unshelf Detach (unload) packages from the search path
wrap_text Produce a nicely-wrapped paragraph for console printing