MonteCarloAverage {lgcp}R Documentation

MonteCarloAverage function


This function creates an object of class MonteCarloAverage. The purpose of the function is to compute Monte Carlo expectations online in the function lgcpPredict, it is set in the argument gridmeans of the argument output.control.


MonteCarloAverage(funlist, lastonly = TRUE)



a character vector of names of functions, each accepting single argument Y


compute average using only time T? (see ?lgcpPredict for definition of T)


A Monte Carlo Average is computed as:

Eπ(Yt1:t2Xt1:t2)[g(Yt1:t2)]1ni=1ng(Yt1:t2(i))E_{\pi(Y_{t_1:t_2}|X_{t_1:t_2})}[g(Y_{t_1:t_2})] \approx \frac1n\sum_{i=1}^n g(Y_{t_1:t_2}^{(i)})

where gg is a function of interest, Yt1:t2(i)Y_{t_1:t_2}^{(i)} is the iith retained sample from the target and nn is the total number of retained iterations. For example, to compute the mean of Yt1:t2Y_{t_1:t_2} set,

g(Yt1:t2)=Yt1:t2,g(Y_{t_1:t_2}) = Y_{t_1:t_2},

the output from such a Monte Carlo average would be a set of t2t1t_2-t_1 grids, each cell of which being equal to the mean over all retained iterations of the algorithm (NOTE: this is just an example computation, in practice, there is no need to compute the mean on line explicitly, as this is already done by defaul in lgcpPredict). For further examples, see below. The option last=TRUE computes,


so in this case the expectation over the last time point only is computed. This can save computation time.


object of class MonteCarloAverage

See Also

setoutput, lgcpPredict, GAinitialise, GAupdate, GAfinalise, GAreturnvalue, exceedProbs


fun1 <- function(x){return(x)}   # gives the mean
fun2 <- function(x){return(x^2)} # computes E(X^2). Can be used with the 
                                 # mean to compute variances, since 
                                 # Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2
fun3 <- exceedProbs(c(1.5,2,3))  # exceedance probabilities, 
                                 #see ?exceedProbs
mca <- MonteCarloAverage(c("fun1","fun2","fun3"))
mca2 <- MonteCarloAverage(c("fun1","fun2","fun3"),lastonly=TRUE)

[Package lgcp version 2.0 Index]