Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data

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Documentation for package ‘lfstat’ version 0.9.12

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lfstat-package Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data
apply.seasonal Apply an aggregation function seasonally.
as.lfobj Coerce to class "lfobj"
as.lfobj.xts Coerce to class "lfobj"
as.lfobj.zoo Coerce to class "lfobj"
as.xts.lfobj Convert Object To Class "xts"
baseflow Calculate the base flow of a river
BFI Base Flow Index
bfplot Base Flow Plot
cdf_ev Reversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributions
check_distribution Checks if a Distribution is suited
createlfobj Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis
createlfobj.default Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis
createlfobj.lfobj Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis
createlfobj.ts Create an low flow object for further Low Flow Analysis
dmcurve Double Mass Curve
evfit Fit an extreme value distribution to observations
evquantile Estimating populations quantiles of extreme values
ev_return_period Estimate the return period for given quantiles
fdc Flow Duration Curve
fill_na Interpolation NA values in a vector
find_droughts Identifying Low Flow Periods
flowunit Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
flowunit.lfobj Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
flowunit.xts Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
flowunit<- Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
flowunit<-.lfobj Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
flowunit<-.xts Set and retrieve unit of the discharge
gringorten Gringorten Plotting Positions
hydrograph Hydrograph
hyear_start Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
hyear_start.xts Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
hyear_start<- Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
hyear_start<-.lfobj Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
hyear_start<-.xts Extract or guess the Start of a Hydrological Year
is.lfobj Coerce to class "lfobj"
lfnacheck Low flow object check for missing values.
lfnainterpolate Interpolate missing values
lfstat Calculation of Low Flow Statistics for Daily Stream Flow Data
ma Simple Moving Average
MAM Mean Annual Minimum
meanflow Mean flow
multistationsreport Report for several stations
ng Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
ngaruroro Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
pel_ev Reversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributions
plot.deficit Plot time series of deficits
pooling Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
pool_ic Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
pool_it Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
pool_ma Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
pool_sp Pooling Procedures of Low Flow Events
Q70 Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70
Q90 Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70
Q95 Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70
qua_ev Reversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributions
Qxx Qxx, Q95, Q90, Q70
ray Daily stream flow data used for low flow analysis
readlfdata Reads data sheets
recession Recession Constant
recessionplot Recession diagnostic plot
reversing Reversed functions for several Extreme Value Distributions
rfa Regional Frequency Analysis
rfaplot Regional Frequency Analysis
rpline Highlight quantiles/return periods
sbplot Seasonal Bar Chart
seasindex Seasonality Index
season Attribute dates to seasons
seasratio Seasonality Ratio
seglenplot Bar chart of recession length
setlfunit Define the unit to use in low flow plots
streamdef Streamflow Deficit
streamdefplot Streamflow Deficit Plot
summary.deficit Object Summaries
trace_value Draw Paths to Points perpendicular to Coordinate Axis
tyears Calculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return Periods
tyearsS Calculate Low-Flow Quantiles for given Return Periods
vary_threshold Create varying thresholds
water_year Compute the water year