Linguistic Fuzzy Logic

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Documentation for package ‘lfl’ version 2.2.0

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-- A --

aggregateConsequents Aggregation of fired consequents into a resulting fuzzy set
algebra Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
algebraNA Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.
allowed.lingexpr Creator of functions representing linguistic expressions
antecedents Extract antecedent-part (left-hand side) of rules in a list
as.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3.default Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx3bilat.default Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5.default Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
as.ctx5bilat.default Context for linguistic expressions Convert the instance of the 'farules()' S3 class into a data frame. Empty 'farules()' object is converted into an empty 'data.frame()'. Convert an object of 'fsets' class into a matrix or data frame This function converts an instance of S3 class fsets into a matrix or a data frame. The 'vars()' and 'specs()' attributes of the original object are deleted.
as.matrix.fsets Convert an object of 'fsets' class into a matrix or data frame This function converts an instance of S3 class fsets into a matrix or a data frame. The 'vars()' and 'specs()' attributes of the original object are deleted.

-- C --

c.farules Take a sequence of instances of S3 class 'farules()' and combine them into a single object. An error is thrown if some argument does not inherit from the 'farules()' class.
cbind.fsets Combine several 'fsets' objects into a single one
compose Composition of Fuzzy Relations
consequents Extract consequent-part (right-hand side) of rules in a list
ctx Context for linguistic expressions
ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions

-- D --

defaultHedgeParams A list of the parameters that define the shape of the hedges.
defuzz Convert fuzzy set into a crisp numeric value
dragonfly Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.

-- E --

equidist Return equidistant breaks
equifreq Return equifrequent breaks
evalfrbe Evaluate the performance of the FRBE forecast

-- F --

farules Create an instance of S3 class 'farules' which represents a set of fuzzy association rules and their statistical characteristics.
fcut Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fcut.default Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fcut.factor Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fcut.logical Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fcut.matrix Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fcut.numeric Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class using shapes derived from triangles or raised cosines
fire Evaluate rules and obtain truth-degrees
frbe Fuzzy Rule-Based Ensemble (FRBE) of time-series forecasts
fsets S3 class representing a set of fuzzy sets on the fixed universe
ft Fuzzy transform
ftinv Inverse of the fuzzy transform

-- G --

goedel.biresiduum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goedel.residuum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goedel.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goedel.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goguen.biresiduum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goguen.residuum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goguen.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
goguen.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets

-- H --

hedge Linguistic hedges
horizon Create a function that computes linguistic horizons

-- I --

invol.neg Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
is.algebra Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
is.ctx3 Context for linguistic expressions
is.ctx3bilat Context for linguistic expressions
is.ctx5 Context for linguistic expressions
is.ctx5bilat Context for linguistic expressions
is.farules Test whether 'x' inherits from the S3 'farules' class.
is.frbe Test whether 'x' is a valid object of the S3 'frbe' class
is.fsets Test whether 'x' is a valid object of the S3 'fsets' class
is.ft Test whether 'x' is a valid object of the S3 'ft' class
is.specific Determine whether the first set 'x' of predicates is more specific (or equal) than 'y' with respect to 'vars' and 'specs'.

-- K --

kleene Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.

-- L --

lcut Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lcut.default Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lcut.factor Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lcut.logical Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lcut.matrix Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lcut.numeric Transform data into a 'fsets' S3 class of linguistic fuzzy attributes
lfl lfl - Linguistic Fuzzy Logic
lingexpr Creator of functions representing linguistic expressions
lowerEst Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.
lukas.biresiduum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
lukas.residuum Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
lukas.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
lukas.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets

-- M --

mase Compute Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE)
minmax Creating linguistic context directly from values
mult Callback-based Multiplication of Matrices

-- N --

nelson Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.

-- P --

pbld Perform a Perception-based Logical Deduction (PbLD) with given rule-base on given dataset
perceive From a set of rules, remove each rule for which another rule exists that is more specific.
pgoedel.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
pgoedel.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
pgoguen.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
pgoguen.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
plot.fsets Plot membership degrees stored in the instance of the S3 class 'fsets()' as a line diagram.
plukas.tconorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
plukas.tnorm Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
print.algebra Print an instance of the 'algebra()' S3 class in a human readable form.
print.ctx3 Print the linguistic context
print.ctx3bilat Print the linguistic context
print.ctx5 Print the linguistic context
print.ctx5bilat Print the linguistic context
print.farules Print an instance of the 'farules()' S3 class in a human readable form.
print.frbe Print an instance of the 'frbe()' class
print.fsets Print an instance of the 'fsets()' class

-- Q --

quantifier A quantifier is a function that computes a fuzzy truth value of a claim about the quantity. This function creates the <1>-type quantifier. (See the examples below on how to use it as a quantifier of the <1,1> type.)

-- R --

raisedcos Deprecated functions to compute membership degrees of numeric fuzzy sets
raisedcosine Factories for functions that convert numeric data into membership degrees of fuzzy sets
rbcoverage Compute rule base coverage of data
reduce Reduce the size of rule base
rmse Compute Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

-- S --

searchrules Searching for fuzzy association rules
slices Return vector of values from given interval
smape Compute Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (SMAPE)
sobocinski Modify algebra's way of computing with 'NA' values.
specs S3 class representing a set of fuzzy sets on the fixed universe
specs<- S3 class representing a set of fuzzy sets on the fixed universe
strict.neg Algebra for Fuzzy Sets
sugeno A factory function for creation of sugeno-integrals.

-- T --

triangle Deprecated functions to compute membership degrees of numeric fuzzy sets
triangular Factories for functions that convert numeric data into membership degrees of fuzzy sets

-- V --

vars S3 class representing a set of fuzzy sets on the fixed universe
vars<- S3 class representing a set of fuzzy sets on the fixed universe