Extractive Summarization of Text with the LexRank Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘lexRankr’ version 0.5.2

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bind_lexrank Bind lexrank scores to a dataframe of text
bind_lexrank_ Bind lexrank scores to a dataframe of text
lexRank Extractive text summarization with LexRank
lexRankFromSimil Compute LexRanks from pairwise sentence similarities
sentenceParse Parse text into sentences
sentenceSimil Compute distance between sentences
sentenceTokenParse Parse text into sentences and tokens
sentence_parser Utility to parse sentences from text
smart_stopwords SMART English Stopwords
tokenize Tokenize a character vector Parse the elements of a character vector into a list of cleaned tokens.
unnest_sentences Split a column of text into sentences
unnest_sentences_ Split a column of text into sentences