EM {leptokurticMixture}R Documentation

EM for the finite mixtures of MLN


Performs a number of iterations of the EM for the multivariate elliptical leptokurtic-normal (MLN) distribution until the tolerance for the lack progress or the maximum number of iterations is reached. An implementation of parsimonious clustering models via the eigen-decomposition of the scatter matrix and allowing the concentration parameter to be varying, equal or fixed across components.


  data = NULL,
  G = 2,
  model = NULL,
  kml = c(1, 0, 1),
  n = 10,
  epsilon = 0.01,
  gpar0 = NULL,
  estimation = 1,
  label = NULL



A n x p matrix of observations.


A integer determine the number of components of the mixture model.


a character of length 4 such as "VVVV", indicating the model; the covariance and beta parameters. The 1st position controls, lambda, the volume; "V" varying across components or "E" equal across components. The 2nd position controls the eigenvalues; V" varying across components, "E" equal across components or "I" the identity matrix. The 3rd position controls the orientation; "V" varying across components, "E" equal across components or "I" the identity matrix. The 4th position controls the concentration, beta; "V" varying across components, "E" equal across components, "F" fixed at the maximum value.


a vector of length 3 indicating, the number of k-means starts, number of random starts and the number of EM iterations used for each start


The maximum number of EM iterations.


The tolerance for the stopping rule; lack of progress. The default is 1e-6 but it depends on the dataset.


A list of model parameters .


If 1 (default) use the fixed point iterations and if 2 the MM algorithm.


If NULL then the data has no known groups. If is.integer then some of the observations have known groups. If label[i]=k then observation belongs to group k. If label[i]=0 then observation has no known group.


A list with following items


x1 = rmln(n=100, d=4, mu=rep(5,4), diag(4), beta=2)
x2 = rmln(n=100, d=4, mu=rep(-5,4), diag(4), beta=2)
x = rbind( x1,x2)
mlnFit = EM(data=x, G=2, model="VVVF")

[Package leptokurticMixture version 1.1 Index]