Population Genetic Simulations & Numerical Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘learnPopGen’ version 1.0.4

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clt Illustrates the concept of the Central Limit Theorem
coalescent.plot Creates a (usually animated) simulation of gene coalescence within a population
drift.selection Simulation of genetic drift & natural selection at a biallelic locus
founder.event Simulation of a founder event or population bottleneck
freqdep Numerical analysis of a frequency dependent seletion model
genetic.drift Genetic drift simulation
hardy.weinberg Computes Hardy-Weinberg frequencies for a multiallelic locus or across multiple loci
hawk.dove Analysis of hawk-dove game theoretic model
msd Migration, drift, and selection
multilocus.hw Computes Hardy-Weinberg frequencies for a multiallelic locus or across multiple loci
mutation.selection Gene frequencies over time under mutation-selection balance
phenotype.freq Computes phenotypic distribution and its change through time due to natural selection on a polygenic trait
phenotype.selection Computes phenotypic distribution and its change through time due to natural selection on a polygenic trait
plot.clt Illustrates the concept of the Central Limit Theorem
plot.coalescent.plot Creates a (usually animated) simulation of gene coalescence within a population
print.clt Illustrates the concept of the Central Limit Theorem
print.coalescent.plot Creates a (usually animated) simulation of gene coalescence within a population
rcd Simulation of reproductive character displacement in an ecological community
selection Numerical analysis of biallelic locus frequency independent selection
sexratio Hypothetical analysis of frequency dependent selection on a sex determining genetic locus