addAntpath |
Add Antpath Lines |
addArrowhead |
Add Lines with an arrowhead |
addContextmenu |
Add contextmenu Plugin |
addEasyprint |
Add easyPrint Plugin |
addGIBS |
Add GIBS Layers |
addHeightgraph |
Add a Heightgraph layer |
addHexbin |
Add a Hexbin layer |
addHistory |
Add History Plugin |
addItemContextmenu |
addItemContextmenu |
addLabelgun |
Add addLabelgun Plugin |
addLatLngMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
addLeafletsync |
Synchronize multiple Leaflet map |
addLeafletsyncDependency |
Add the Leaflet Sync JS dependencies |
addMapkeyMarkers |
Add Mapkey Markers |
addMovingMarker |
Add Moving Markers |
addOpenweatherCurrent |
Add current OpenWeatherMap Marker |
addOpenweatherTiles |
Add OpenWeatherMap Tiles |
addPlayback |
Add Playback to Leaflet |
addReachability |
Add Isochrones to Leaflet |
addSidebar |
Add a Sidebar Leaflet Control |
addSidebyside |
Add Side by Side View |
addSpinner |
Add Spin Plugin |
addStationMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
addTangram |
Adds a Tangram layer to a Leaflet map in a Shiny App. |
addTimeslider |
Add Time Slider to Leaflet |
addVelocity |
Add Velocity Animation |
addWMS |
Add Queryable WMS Layer |
antpathOptions |
Antpath Options |
arrowheadOptions |
Arrowhead Options |
clearAntpath |
clearAntpath |
clearArrowhead |
Remove arrowheads from Lines by group |
clearFuture |
clearFuture |
clearHexbin |
clearHexbin |
clearHistory |
clearHistory |
closeSidebar |
Close the Sidebar |
context_mapmenuItems |
context_mapmenuItems |
context_markermenuItems |
context_markermenuItems |
context_menuItem |
context_menuItem |
disableContextmenu |
disableContextmenu |
easyprintMap |
easyprintMap |
easyprintOptions |
easyprintOptions |
enableContextmenu |
enableContextmenu |
gibs_layers |
The available GIBS layers with attributes |
goBackHistory |
goBackHistory |
goForwardHistory |
goForwardHistory |
heightgraphOptions |
heightgraphOptions |
hexbinOptions |
hexbinOptions |
hideContextmenu |
hideContextmenu |
hideHexbin |
hideHexbin |
historyOptions |
History Options |
insertItemContextmenu |
insertItemContextmenu |
isSynced |
Is a map synchronized? |
leaflet.extras2 |
leaflet.extras2: Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package. |
leafletsyncOptions |
leafletsync Options |
makeMapkeyIcon |
Make Mapkey Icon |
mapkeyIconList |
Make Mapkey-icon set |
mapkeyIcons |
Create a list of Mapkey icon data |
mapmenuItems |
mapmenuItems |
markermenuItems |
markermenuItems |
menuItem |
menuItem |
moveToMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
movingMarkerOptions |
Set options for Moving Markers |
openSidebar |
Open the Sidebar by ID |
openweatherCurrentOptions |
openweatherCurrentOptions |
openweatherOptions |
OpenWeatherMap Options |
pauseMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
playbackOptions |
playbackOptions |
reachabilityOptions |
reachabilityOptions |
removeallItemsContextmenu |
removeallItemsContextmenu |
removeAntpath |
removeAntpath |
removeArrowhead |
Remove arrowheads from Lines by layerId |
removeEasyprint |
removeEasyprint |
removeItemContextmenu |
removeItemContextmenu |
removePlayback |
removePlayback |
removeReachability |
removeReachability |
removeSidebar |
Remove the Sidebar |
removeSidebyside |
removeSidebyside |
removeTimeslider |
removeTimeslider |
removeVelocity |
removeVelocity |
resumeMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
setDate |
Set Date for GIBS Layers |
setDisabledContextmenu |
setDisabledContextmenu |
setOptionsVelocity |
setOptionsVelocity |
setTransparent |
Set Transparency for GIBS Layers |
showContextmenu |
showContextmenu |
showHexbin |
showHexbin |
sidebar_pane |
Create a Sidebar Pane |
sidebar_tabs |
Create a Sidebar |
startMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
startSpinner |
Add Spin Plugin |
stopMoving |
Interact with the moving markers |
stopSpinner |
Add Spin Plugin |
timesliderOptions |
timesliderOptions |
to_jsonformat |
to_jsonformat Transform object to JSON expected format |
to_ms |
to_ms Change POSIX or Date to milliseconds |
unsync |
Removes synchronization. |
updateHexbin |
updateHexbin |
velocityOptions |
velocityOptions |
[.leaflet_mapkey_icon_set |
leaflet_mapkey_icon_set |