activateGPS |
Options for the GPS Control |
addAwesomeMarkersDependencies |
Add AwesomeMarkers and related lib dependencies to a map |
addBingTiles |
Adds Bing Tiles Layer |
addBootstrapDependency |
Add Bootstrap dependency to a map |
addBounceMarkers |
Add Bounce Markers to map |
addControlGPS |
Options for the GPS Control |
addCSV |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addCSVHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
addDrawToolbar |
Adds a Toolbar to draw shapes/points on the map. |
addFullscreenControl |
Add fullscreen control |
addGeodesicPolylines |
Add Geodesic Lines & Circles |
addGeoJSONChoropleth |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addGeoJSONHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
addGeoJSONv2 |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addGPX |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addGPXHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
addGreatCircles |
Add Geodesic Lines & Circles |
addHash |
Add dynamic URL Hash |
addHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
addKML |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addKMLChoropleth |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
addKMLHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
addLatLng |
Add Geodesic Lines & Circles |
addMeasurePathToolbar |
Enables measuring of length of polylines and areas of polygons |
addPulseMarkers |
Make pulse-icon set |
addResetMapButton |
Reset map's view to original view |
addReverseSearchGoogle |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
addReverseSearchOSM |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
addSearchFeatures |
Add a feature search control to the map. |
addSearchGoogle |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
addSearchOSM |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
addSearchUSCensusBureau |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
addStyleEditor |
Add style editor |
addWeatherMarkers |
Make weather-icon set |
addWebGLCSVHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
addWebGLGeoJSONHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
addWebGLGPXHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
addWebGLHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
addWebGLKMLHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
addWMSLegend |
Add WMS Legend |
clearHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
clearSearchFeatures |
Add a feature search control to the map. |
clearSearchOSM |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
clearWebGLHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
csvParserOptions |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
deactivateGPS |
Options for the GPS Control |
debugMap |
For debugging a leaflet map |
drawCircleMarkerOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawCircleOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawMarkerOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawPolygonOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawPolylineOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawRectangleOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
drawShapeOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
editToolbarOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
enableMeasurePath |
Enables measuring of length of polylines and areas of polygons |
enableTileCaching |
Enables caching of Tiles |
geodesics |
Add Geodesic Lines & Circles |
gpsOptions |
Options for the GPS Control |
handlersOptions |
Options for editing handlers |
leafletExtrasDependencies |
Various leaflet dependency functions for use in downstream packages |
legendOptions |
Adds a GeoJSON/TopoJSON to the leaflet map. |
makePulseIcon |
Make pulse-icon set |
makeWeatherIcon |
Make weather-icon set |
measurePathOptions |
Enables measuring of length of polylines and areas of polygons |
propsToHTML |
Converts GeoJSON Feature properties to HTML |
propstoHTMLTable |
Converts GeoJSON Feature properties to HTML |
pulseIconList |
Make pulse-icon set |
pulseIcons |
Make pulse-icon set |
removeControlGPS |
Options for the GPS Control |
removeDrawToolbar |
Adds a Toolbar to draw shapes/points on the map. |
removeHeatmap |
Add a heatmap |
removeSearchFeatures |
Add a feature search control to the map. |
removeSearchGoogle |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
removeSearchOSM |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
removeSearchUSCensusBureau |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
removeStyleEditor |
Add style editor |
removeWebGLHeatmap |
Add a webgl heatmap |
searchFeaturesOptions |
Options for search control. |
searchOptions |
Options for search control. |
searchOSMText |
Add a OSM search control to the map. |
selectedPathOptions |
Options for drawn shapes |
setMapWidgetStyle |
Converts GeoJSON Feature properties to HTML |
suspendScroll |
Prevents accidental map scrolling when scrolling in a document. |
toolbarOptions |
Options for editing the toolbar |
weatherIconList |
Make weather-icon set |
weatherIcons |
Make weather-icon set |
[.leaflet_pulse_icon_set |
Make pulse-icon set |
[.leaflet_weather_icon_set |
Make weather-icon set |