Provides Drill Down Functionality for 'leaflet' Choropleths

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Documentation for package ‘leafdown’ version 1.2.0

Help Pages

assert_join_map_levels_by Check whether the given join_map_levels_by is valid
assert_spdf_list Check whether the given spdf_list is a valid spdf_list and has all the required params.
check_draw_ellipsis Checks for undesired arguments in ellipsis in $draw_leafdown method
gdp_2014_admin_districts GPD for administrative districts of Germany for 2014.
gdp_2014_federal_states GPD for federal states of Germany for 2014.
Leafdown Leafdown R6 Class
us_election_counties Results of the 2016 US Presidential Election - County Level
us_election_states Results of the 2016 US Presidential Election - State Level