tropical {leafSTAR} | R Documentation |
Leaf angles of tropical canopy trees measured with traditional instrumentation
The tropical data frame has 41 rows and 4 columns
This data frame contains the following columns:
species A code for each species (letters) and individuals (numbers)
environment Factor with three levels of exposure to solar radiation.
pitch Pitch angle in degrees.
roll Roll angle in degrees.
These data are a subset of leaf angle data in Posada et al. (2009) measured with a compass and a protractor. Contains measurements of two leaf position angles of 41 leaves in two individuals of (Castilla elastica) and one of (Ficus insipida), each leaf in a row. The format of the data is an example of a field-data table handled by 'leafSTAR'
Posada, J.M., Lechowicz, M.J., Kitajima, K. (2009) Optimal photosynthetic use of light by tropical tree crowns achieved by adjustment of individual leaf angles and nitrogen content. Annals of Botany, 103: 795-805. doi:10.1093/aob/mcn265.