olea {leafSTAR}R Documentation

Leaf angles of olive tree measured with 'Ahmes' 1.0


The olea data frame has 24 rows and 15 columns




This data frame contains the following columns:

Num.Medida Number of observation.

Cabeceo Pitch angle in degrees.

Alabeo Roll angle in degrees.

Azimuth Azimuth angle in degrees.

Rumbo Course angle in degrees.

Estado_Brujula Compass_State. The values depend on the sensors of each cell phone.

Estado_Acelerometro Accelerometer_State. The values depend on the sensors of each cell phone.

Estado_Campo_Magnetico Magnetic_Field_State. The values depend on the sensors of each cell phone.

Fecha Date. Note this is a date-hour column. See details.

Hora Hour. Instead of the hour, it contains the values of the next column. See details.

Bateria Battery. State of the battery.

Temperatura Temperature. Only available when using temperature sensors coupled to the cell phone.

Presion Pressure. Only available when using pressure sensors coupled to the cell phone.

Error_Relativo Relative error. See Escribano-Rocafort et al. (2014).

Empty column


These data are measurements of four leaf position angles of 20 leaves in an olive tree (Olea europaea), each leaf in a row. The format of the data is an example of the raw output from 'Ahmes' 1.0. olea is a .csv file. This file presents some issues that need to be corrected. There are four extra rows to be deleted (1:3, final row). The hour and date are in the same colum, which needs to be separated in order to extract hour and date information directly from the data. This makes column headers to be displaced from columns 10 to 15. In addition, the headers of the output of Ahmes are provided in Spanish. Function fixfile implements solutions to these issues and renames the variables in English.


olea Ventre-Lespiaucq, A., Santamaria Bueno, S., unpublished data.

Ahmes 1.0 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.movil.hoja.movihoja.ahmes&hl=en

Escribano-Rocafort, A.G., Ventre-Lespiaucq, A.B., Granado-Yela, C., Lopez-Pintor, A., Delgado, J.A., Munoz, V., Dorado, G.A., Balaguer, L. (2014) Simplifying data acquisition in plant canopies- Measurements of leaf angles with a cell phone. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:132-140. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12141.

[Package leafSTAR version 1.0 Index]