Linkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids

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Documentation for package ‘ldsep’ version 2.1.5

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ldsep-package Linkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids
Dprime Get the standardized composite D'.
format_lddf Format an element of 'mldest()' or 'sldest()' into an upper-triangular matrix.
get_prob_array Obtain the distribution of genotypes given haplotype frequencies under HWE
glike Genotype log-likelihoods from 'uit'
gl_to_gp Normalize genotype likelihoods to posterior probabilities.
gp Posterior probabilities from 'uit'
is.lddf Tests if an argument is a 'lddf' object.
ldest Pairwise LD estimation in polyploids.
ldest_comp Estimates of composite pairwise LD based either on genotype estimates or genotype likelihoods.
ldest_hap Estimate haplotypic pair-wise LD using either genotypes or genotype likelihoods.
ldfast Fast bias-correction for LD Estimation
ldsep Linkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids
ldshrink Obtain shrinkage estimates of correlation from output of 'mldest()' or 'sldest()'.
mldest Estimate all pair-wise LD's in a collection of SNPs using genotypes or genotype likelihoods.
pbnorm_dist Returns distribution of proportional bivariate normal.
plot.lddf Plot the output of 'mldest()' or 'sldest()' using 'corrplot()'
pvcalc Calculate prior variances from a matrix of prior genotype probabilities.
slcor Sliding window correlation
sldest Sliding window LD estimation
uit Updog fits on the data from Uitdewilligen et. al. (2013)
zshrink Shrinks Fisher-z transformed correlation estimates and returns resulting correlation estimates.