getJob {ldaPrototype}R Documentation

Getter and Setter for LDARep and LDABatch


Returns the job ids and its parameter set (getJob) or the (registry's) id (getID) for a LDABatch or LDARep object. getRegistry returns the registry itself for a LDABatch object. getLDA returns the list of LDA objects for a LDABatch or LDARep object. In addition, you can specify one or more LDAs by their id(s).
setFilDir sets the registry's file directory for a LDABatch object. This is useful if you move the registry´s folder, e.g. if you do your calculations on a batch system, but want to do your evaluation on your desktop computer.





getLDA(x, job, reduce, all)

setFileDir(x, file.dir)



[named list]
LDABatch or LDARep object.


[data.frame or integer]
A data.frame or data.table with a column named "" or a vector of integerish job ids.


If the list of LDAs contains only one element, should the list be reduced and the single (unnamed) element be returned? Default is TRUE.


not implemented for LDABatch and LDARep object. See getLDA


[Vector to be coerced to a fs_path object.]
New file directory to overwrite the registry's old one. This can be useful if the registry is transferred from a batch system.

See Also

Other getter functions: getSCLOP(), getSimilarity(), getTopics()

Other replication functions: LDAPrototype(), LDARep(), as.LDARep(), mergeRepTopics()

Other batch functions: LDABatch(), as.LDABatch(), mergeBatchTopics()

[Package ldaPrototype version 0.3.1 Index]