lcarsSweep {lcars} | R Documentation |
LCARS sweep
Create an LCARS sweep; the 'S' or reverse-'S' shape comprised of two LCARS elbows pointing in opposite directions. The sweep is effectively two adjacent LCARS boxes separated by an input column and some specific styling to achieve the sweep display.
column_inputs = NULL,
left_inputs = NULL,
right_inputs = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
color = "atomic-tangerine",
reverse = FALSE,
expand = c(0, 0),
column_width = 150,
left_width = 0.5,
width = "100%"
column_inputs |
optional input column for right side, for example a
column of buttons made with |
left_inputs |
content on the left side of the sweep. |
right_inputs |
content on the right side of the sweep. |
title |
character, title for box with header. |
subtitle |
character, subtitle for box with footer. |
color |
sweep elbow colors. Any hex color or a named LCARS color. |
reverse |
logical, create a reverse sweep. |
expand |
integer, length-2 vector, the number of pixels to expand the left and right content containers above or below the implicit border; the top or bottom border where no sweep is present. See example. |
column_width |
integer, width of the sweep column section in pixels. Must be in pixels, 150 maximum. Smaller is permitted but will not conform as well to LCARS style. |
left_width |
numeric, number between 0 and 1 giving the proportional
width of the left content section.
The right section is 1 - |
width |
a valid CSS unit, the width of the entire sweep. Fixed pixel width recommended. See details. |
There are limitations to the container responsiveness of the LCARS box and
sweep. In some cases, using percentage width, e.g., width = "100%"
will work, but it may respond sluggishly or may not work at all.
Fixed pixel width is recommended for lcarsBox
and lcarsSweep
Regardless of responsiveness, these widgets are also not intended to fit
very small displays.
an HTML widget
See Also
## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(500))
g <- ggplot(d, aes(x)) + theme_lcars_dark()
g1 <- g + geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "#9999FF", bins = 20) +
ggtitle("Plot 1")
left <- div(h4("Some text"), p("The fine print."))
ui <- lcarsPage(
lcarsHeader("LCARS sweep"),
h4("Change colors and relative widths of content sections"),
h4("Add title and subtitle, input column padding, and content"),
lcarsButton("x1", "Button"),
lcarsRect(color = "hopbush", height = 80)
left, plotOutput("plot1", height = 650), # plot taller than sweep box
title = "Title", subtitle = "Subtitle",
color = "pale-canary", left_width = 0.3, width = 900,
expand = c(0, 350) # negative bottom margin added to right side div
lcarsSweep( # content from sweep box above extends into sweep box below
lcarsButton("x2", "Button A"),
lcarsButton("x3", "Button B"),
lcarsRect(color = "lilac")
left, title = "Title 2", subtitle = "Subtitle 2",
color = "anakiwa", reverse = TRUE, left_width = 0.3, width = 900
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot(g1)
shinyApp(ui, server)