calcDistMax {lavaSearch2} | R Documentation |
Adjust the p.values Using the Quantiles of the Max Statistic
Adjust the p.values using the quantiles of the max statistic.
iid.previous = NULL,
quantile.previous = NULL,
quantile.compute = lava.options()$,
cpus = 1,
cl = NULL,
iid.previous = NULL,
quantile.previous = NULL,
cpus = 1,
cl = NULL,
n.repmax = 100
statistic |
[numeric vector] the observed Wald statistic. Each statistic correspond to a null hypothesis (i.e. a coefficient) that one wish to test. |
iid |
[matrix] zero-mean iid decomposition of the coefficient used to compute the statistic. |
df |
[numeric] the degree of freedom defining the multivariate Student's t distribution.
If |
iid.previous |
[matrix, EXPERIMENTAL] zero-mean iid decomposition of previously tested coefficient. |
quantile.previous |
[numeric, EXPERIMENTAL] rejection quantiles of the previously tested hypotheses. If not |
quantile.compute |
[logical] should the rejection quantile be computed? |
alpha |
[numeric 0-1] the significance cutoff for the p-values. When the p-value is below, the corresponding link will be retained. |
cpus |
[integer >0] the number of processors to use. If greater than 1, the computation of the p-value relative to each test is performed in parallel. |
cl |
[cluster] a parallel socket cluster generated by |
trace |
[logical] should the execution of the function be traced? |
method |
[character] the method used to compute the p-values. |
n.sim |
[integer >0] the number of bootstrap simulations used to compute each p-values. Disregarded when the p-values are computed using numerical integration. |
n.repmax |
[integer >0] the maximum number of rejection for each bootstrap sample before switching to a new bootstrap sample. Only relevant when conditioning on a previous test. Disregarded when the p-values are computed using numerical integration. |
A list containing
p.adjust: the adjusted p-values.
z: the rejection threshold.
Sigma: the correlation matrix between the test statistic.
correctedLevel: the alpha level corrected for conditioning on previous tests.
n <- 100
p <- 4
link <- letters[1:p]
n.sim <- 1e3 # number of bootstrap simulations
#### test - not conditional ####
X.iid <- rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0,p), sigma = diag(1,p))
colnames(X.iid) <- link
statistic <- setNames(1:p,link)
r1 <- calcDistMaxIntegral(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, df = 1e6)
r3 <- calcDistMaxBootstrap(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
method = "residual",
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, n.sim = n.sim)
r4 <- calcDistMaxBootstrap(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
method = "wild",
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, n.sim = n.sim)
rbind(integration = c(r1$p.adjust, quantile = r1$z),
bootResidual = c(r3$p.adjust, quantile = r3$z),
bootWild = c(r4$p.adjust, quantile = r4$z))
#### test - conditional ####
## Not run:
Z.iid <- rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0,p+1), sigma = diag(1,p+1))
seqQuantile <- qmvnorm(p = 0.95, delta = rep(0,p+1), sigma = diag(1,p+1),
tail = "both.tails")$quantile
r1c <- calcDistMaxIntegral(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
iid.previous = Z.iid, quantile.previous = seqQuantile,
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, df = NULL)
r3c <- calcDistMaxBootstrap(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
iid.previous = Z.iid, quantile.previous = seqQuantile, method = "residual",
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, n.sim = n.sim)
r4c <- calcDistMaxBootstrap(statistic = statistic, iid = X.iid,
iid.previous = Z.iid, quantile.previous = seqQuantile, method = "wild",
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, n.sim = n.sim)
rbind(integration = c(r1c$p.adjust, quantile = r1c$z),
bootResidual = c(r3c$p.adjust, quantile = r3c$z),
bootWild = c(r4c$p.adjust, quantile = r4c$z))
## End(Not run)