interpolation {latentcor}R Documentation

Parallel version of multilinear interpolation generator for function approximation


Parallel version of multilinear interpolation generator for function approximation

The primary method is ipol which dispatches to some other method. All the generated interpolants accept as an argument a matrix of column vectors. The generated functions also accept an argument threads=getOption('ipol.threads') to utilize more than one CPU if a matrix of column vectors is evaluated. The option ipol.threads is initialized from the environment variable IPOL_THREADS upon loading of the package. It defaults to 1.


interpolation(evalfun, grid_list, cores = detectCores(), int = FALSE, ...)



The objective function to be approximated.


A list for grid points (each element of list is a vector represents ticklabels on a dimension). The number of list elements are the dimension of function inputs.


The numbers of cores (threads) of your machine to conduct parallel computing.


Logical indicator. int = TRUE interpolant value multiplied by 10^7 then convert to interger to save memory. Original interpolant if int = FALSE.


Other inputs for objective functions to be passed through.


The interpolants are ordinary R-objects and can be saved with save() and loaded later with load() or serialized/unserialized with other tools, just like any R-object. However, they contain calls to functions in the package, and while the author will make efforts to ensure that generated interpolants are compatible with future versions of ipol, I can issue no such absolute guarantee.


interpolation returns

See Also

ipol, interpolant


## Not run: grid_list = list(seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.5), seq(-0.5, 0.5, by = 0.5))
objfun = function(x, y) {x^2 + sqrt(y)}
evalfun = function(X) {objfun(X[1], X[2])}
value = interpolation(evalfun = evalfun, grid_list = grid_list)$value
interpolant = interpolation(evalfun = evalfun, grid_list = grid_list)$interpolant
## End(Not run)

[Package latentcor version 2.0.1 Index]