loadInoculum {landsepi} | R Documentation |
Load Inoculum
Loads an inoculum for the beginning of the simulation (t=0), with controlled localisation (polygons), infected cultivars and pathogen genotypes. Note that landscape, gene, cultivar and croptype parameters must be set before loading the inoculum.
pI0_all = NULL,
pI0_host = NULL,
pI0_patho = NULL,
pI0_poly = NULL,
pI0_mat = NULL
params |
a LandsepiParams object. |
pI0_all |
a numeric indicating the (same) probability to infect a host for all pathogen genotypes, all cultivars and in all polygons |
pI0_host |
a vector of length Nhost indicating the probabilities to infect an host, for each cultivar (for all pathogen genotypes and all polygons). |
pI0_patho |
a vector of length Npatho indicating the probabilities to infect an host, for each pathogen genotype (for all cultivars and all polygons). |
pI0_poly |
a vector of length Npoly indicating the probabilities to infect an host, for each polygon (for all pathogen genotypes and all cultivars). |
pI0_mat |
a 3D array of dimensions (1:Nhost,1:Npatho,1:Npoly) indicating the
probability to infect an host, for each cultivar, pathogen genotype and polygon.
Note that |
The different options enable different types of inoculum (localisation,
infected cultivars and pathogen genetic diversity,
see different options in Examples).
Unless the array pI0_mat
is filled, the probability for a host to be infected
at the beginning of the simulation is computed in every polygon (poly), cultivar (host)
and pathogen genotype (patho) with
pI0[host, patho, poly] = pI0_all * pI0_patho[patho] * pI0_host[host] * pI0_poly[poly]
Before loading the inoculum, one can use
, getMatrixCultivarPatho()
and getMatrixCroptypePatho()
to acknowledge which pathogen genotypes are adapted to which genes, cultivars and croptypes.
Once setInoculum()
is used, one can call inoculumToMatrix()
to get the inoculum
as a 3D array (1:Nhost,1:Npatho,1:Npoly)
a 3D array of dimensions (1:Nhost,1:Npatho,1:Npoly)
See Also
inoculumToMatrix, getMatrixGenePatho, getMatrixCultivarPatho, getMatrixCroptypePatho, setInoculum
## Not run:
simul_params <- createSimulParams()
simul_params <- setTime(simul_params, Nyears = 1, nTSpY = 80)
basic_patho_param <- loadPathogen(disease = "rust")
simul_params <- setPathogen(simul_params, patho_params = basic_patho_param)
simul_params <- setLandscape(simul_params, loadLandscape(id = 1))
simul_params <- setDispersalPathogen(simul_params, loadDispersalPathogen(id = 1)[[1]])
gene1 <- loadGene(name = "MG 1", type = "majorGene")
gene2 <- loadGene(name = "MG 2", type = "majorGene")
genes <- data.frame(rbind(gene1, gene2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
simul_params <- setGenes(simul_params, genes)
cultivar1 <- loadCultivar(name = "Susceptible", type = "growingHost")
cultivar2 <- loadCultivar(name = "Resistant", type = "growingHost")
cultivars <- data.frame(rbind(cultivar1, cultivar2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
simul_params <- setCultivars(simul_params, cultivars)
simul_params <- allocateCultivarGenes(simul_params, "Resistant", c("MG 1", "MG 2"))
croptypes <- loadCroptypes(simul_params, names = c("Susceptible crop", "Resistant crop"))
croptypes <- allocateCroptypeCultivars(croptypes, "Susceptible crop", "Susceptible")
croptypes <- allocateCroptypeCultivars(croptypes, "Resistant crop", c("Resistant"))
simul_params <- setCroptypes(simul_params, croptypes)
simul_params <- allocateLandscapeCroptypes(simul_params, rotation_period = 0
, rotation_sequence = croptypes$croptypeID
, prop = c(1/2,1/2), aggreg = 1, graphic = FALSE)
#### Definition of the inoculum ####
### Scenario 1. Only the avirulent pathogen on the susceptible cultivar ###
# In this situation, the susceptible cultivar must be entered
# at the first line of the table cultivars
## Global inoculum (i.e. in the whole landscape)
# Option 1: simply use the default parameterisation
simul_params <- setInoculum(simul_params, 5E-4)
# Option 2: use loadInoculum()
Npatho <- prod(simul_params@Genes$Nlevels_aggressiveness)
Nhost <- nrow(simul_params@Cultivars)
pI0 <- loadInoculum(simul_params,
pI0_host=c(1,rep(0, Nhost-1)),
pI0_patho=c(1,rep(0, Npatho-1)))
simul_params <- setInoculum(simul_params, pI0)
## Local inoculum (i.e. in some random polygons only)
Npatho <- prod(simul_params@Genes$Nlevels_aggressiveness)
Nhost <- nrow(simul_params@Cultivars)
Npoly <- nrow(simul_params@Landscape)
Npoly_inoc <- 5 ## number of inoculated polygons
## whether the avr pathogen can infect the polygons
compatible_poly <- getMatrixPolyPatho(simul_params)[,1]
## random polygon picked among compatible ones
id_poly <- sample(grep(1, compatible_poly), Npoly_inoc)
pI0_poly <- as.numeric(1:Npoly %in% id_poly)
pI0 <- loadInoculum(simul_params,
pI0_host=c(1,rep(0, Nhost-1)),
pI0_patho=c(1,rep(0, Npatho-1)),
simul_params <- setInoculum(simul_params, pI0)
### Scenario 2. Diversity of pathogen genotypes in the inoculum ###
# in this example, Nhost=2 cultivars, Npatho=4
## Global inoculum (i.e. in all polygons of the landscape)
pI0 <- loadInoculum(simul_params, pI0_patho=c(1E-3,1E-4,1E-4,1E-5), pI0_host=c(1,1))
simul_params <- setInoculum(simul_params, pI0)
## Local inoculum (i.e. in some polygons only) ##
Npoly <- nrow(simul_params@Landscape)
Npoly_inoc <- 5 ## number of inoculated polygons
id_poly <- sample(1:Npoly, Npoly_inoc) ## random polygon
pI0_poly <- as.numeric(1:Npoly %in% id_poly)
pI0 <- loadInoculum(simul_params, pI0_patho=c(1E-3,1E-4,1E-4,1E-5),
pI0_host=c(1,1), pI0_poly=pI0_poly)
simul_params <- setInoculum(simul_params, pI0)
## End(Not run)