Landmark Prediction of a Survival Outcome

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Documentation for package ‘landpred’ version 1.2

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landpred-package Landmark Prediction of a Survival Outcome
AUC.landmark Estimates the area under the ROC curve (AUC).
BS.landmark Estimates the Brier score.
cumsum2 Helper function
data_example_landpred Hypothetical data to be used in examples.
Ghat.FUN Calculates the Kaplan Meier survival probability for censoring Helper function for AUC.landmark
Kern.FUN Calculates kernel matrix
landpred Landmark Prediction of a Survival Outcome
mse.BW Helper function for optimize.mse.BW.
optimize.mse.BW Calculates initial optimal bandwidth.
Prob.Covariate Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0, Z), i.e. given discrete covariate.
Prob.Covariate.ShortEvent Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0, Z, min(TS, t0), I(TS<=t0)), i.e. given discrete covariate and TS information.
Prob.Null Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0).
Prob2 Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0, Z, TS>t0).
Prob2.k.t Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0, Z, TS==ts).
prob2.single Estimates P(TL <t0+tau | TL > t0, Z, TS==ts) for a single t.
VTM Helper function, repeats a row.
Wi.FUN Computes the inverse probability of censoring weights for a specific t0 and tau