lamleout-class {lamle} | R Documentation |
Class "lamleout"
Output for an estimated generalized linear latent variable model.
Objects from the Class
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("lamleout", ...)
- Data
A list containing the supplied data (y, group) and information about the data (N, m).
- Estimates
A list with parameter estimates (par, partable), standard errors (separ), mode estimates (map), covariance/information matrices (acov, Amat, Bmat), and various other quantities and objects derived from the parameter estimates (loadings, covmat, mu, modelpars, modelpartsoptC).
- Model
A list containing model definitions (model, covstruct, modeltype), constraints (groupequal, parequal, parfix), estimation settings (method, accuracy) and filters.
- Optim
A list containing the log-likelihood (loglik, logliki), gradient (grad, gradi), AIC, BIC, parameter estimate history (partrace), gradient history (glltrace), number of iterations (iter), and function call (call).
- Timing
A data frame containing timing information of data preparation (prep), estimation (est) and post-estimation computations (se).
See Also