lac_plot {lacunr}R Documentation

Plot lacunarity curve(s)


Plot lacunarity curve(s)


lac_plot(..., log = TRUE, group_names = NULL)

lacnorm_plot(..., log = TRUE, group_names = NULL)

hr_plot(..., group_names = NULL)



One or more data.frames containing lacunarity curve data. Must contain columns named ⁠$box_size⁠, ⁠$lacunarity⁠, ⁠$lac_norm⁠, and ⁠$H_r⁠.


A Boolean. TRUE (default) displays the axes on a logarithmic scale, FALSE displays them on a linear scale. For lacnorm_plot() this only controls the x axis, as normalized lacunarity is by definition on a log scale.


A character vector containing labels for any data.frames passed to .... These labels will appear on the plot legend. If group_names is left empty, the legend uses the names of the data.frames as supplied to ...


A ggplot object displaying the lacunarity or H(r) curve(s). If multiple curves are supplied, their ordering in the plot legend will reflect the order they were listed in the function call.


# generate array
a <- array(data = rep(c(1,0), 125), dim = c(5,5,5))
# calculate lacunarity at all box sizes
lac_curve <- lacunarity(a, box_sizes = "all")
# plot raw lacunarity curve

[Package lacunr version 1.0.1 Index]