rbdd {lacunaritycovariance}R Documentation

Simulation of Boolean Model of Deterministic Discs


Functions for simulating a Boolean model with grains that are discs of fixed constant radius (the abbreviation 'bdd' is short for Boolean model with Deterministic Discs). A Boolean model is a two stage model, first the locations (called germs) of grains are randomly distributed according to a Poisson point process, then a random grain is placed on each germ independently. Introductions to Boolean models are available in many stochastic geometry books (Chiu et al., 2013). Also described here are functions for calculating the coverage probability, germ intensity, and covariance from model parameters for a Boolean model with deterministic discs.


rbdd(lambda, discr, window, seed = NULL)

bddcoverageprob(lambda, discr)

bddlambda(coverp, discr)

bdddiscr(coverp, lambda)

bddcovar.iso(r, lambda, discr)

bddcovar(xrange, yrange, eps, lambda, discr)



Intensity of the germ process (which is a Poisson point process)


Radius of the discs


The window to simulate in (an owin object)


Optional input (default in NULL). Is an integer passed to set.seed. Used to reproduce patterns exactly.


Coverage probability of the Boolean model


is the radius to calculate covariance


range of x values for bddcovar


range of y values for bddcovar


list of length 2 of the steps between samples points in x and y respectively for bddcovar. If eps is of length 1 then the steps between sample points in the x and y directions will both be equal to eps.


See Functions section.



The returned object of rbdd is an owin specifying the realisation of the Boolean model within the simulation window. The simulation window is not included, thus the object returned by rbdd can have much smaller extent than the simulation window (e.g. when the simulated set is empty).


Chiu, S.N., Stoyan, D., Kendall, W.S. and Mecke, J. (2013) Stochastic Geometry and Its Applications, 3rd ed. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons.


# Simulate Boolean model with discs of radius 10.
# The coverage probability is very close to 0.5.
discr <- 10
w <- owin(xrange = c(0, 100), c(0, 100))
lambda <- 2.2064E-3 
xi <- rbdd(lambda, discr, w)

# Compute properties of Boolean model from parameters
cp <- bddcoverageprob(lambda, discr)
cvc <- bddcovar(c(-10, 10), c(-10, 10), c(0.2, 0.2), lambda, discr)

[Package lacunaritycovariance version 1.1-7 Index]